Kill the Horde council

Yes. The Alliance always gets what they want. Meanwhile the Horde get handed one bad hand after another. The Horde has been factually dead ever since MoP.

Depends on the server, some are 90% Alliance, others are near entirely 90% Horde. Keep in mind that of the two the Horde is doing supremely better at having folks around to do stuff with overall. The reason the Horde gets one bad hand after another, is cause they literally cause a war every other expansion, and yet here you are screaming to put genocidal maniacs in charge againā€¦

So tell me what you want, what you really, really want

  1. The Horde council dead.
  2. The Alliance to suffer a defeat on the scale of the attack on Zuldazar.
  3. the old Horde leaders returning and leading their respective races again.
  4. new races for the Horde who actually bring great margins of civilisation to the faction. Like Ogres, Arakkoa, Sethrak and Mogu.

I mean all the old leaders are either dead OR on the council soā€¦ :man_shrugging:

I mean, Pandaren and Nightborne/Blood Elves are right thereā€¦ about as ā€œcivilizedā€ as you get, hasnā€™t really changed the Horde much. Also the Zandalari who are like the Kardashians of Trolls (for a Troll they fancy).

If you wanna be Horde Warchief,
You gotta be Anduinā€™s friend!
Peace will reign forever,
Peace will never end!

If you wanna be Horde Warchief,
You have got to give.
Crying is too easy,
But thatā€™s how Erevien is!!


Mogu have cities. Ji and his Huojin only a tent camp in Orgrimmar. I know for sure which one is better.

It should be common that not only the Alliance can have civilized people. THey have already more then enough races with cool cities like humans and dwarfs. Now give something to the Horde too so that they can feel good about themselves.

Zuldazar was raided beyond repair. Without their fleet and King the race is useless.

The council is the leftovers of what remains of the Horde cast. Not a single one of them earned their position because they would be good at leading people. They got their position by being friends with Thrall and Baine who promoted lapdogs who would support the peace treaty with the allaince. They are not true Horde and need to be killed for good.

If you want the Hordeā€™s future, forget their past
If you wanna see them thrive, stick with the new cast
Now donā€™t go wasting our precious time
Accept the Horde Council and things will be just fine


I mean, I feel confident about Talanji as a ruler, she learned the lesson her father didnā€™t, to put her people before her own wants and desires. Just about everyone on the Horde council has suffered through BFA and a loss caused by their predecessor, some of them from even before BFA. Thrall is several years wiser for his experiences, Talanji is starting to get the grasp of the dos and donā€™ts of being a ruler in her fatherā€™s absence, Lorā€™themar learned his lesson in MoP about being strong armed against oneā€™s principles, etc.

I will not. The new cast needs to die. Period.

Spoken like a true alliance puppet. Baine and Thrall surley are proud of you.

No. The past heroes will return and make the Horde great again.

The Alliance gets away with being strong armed all the time. They steamrolled the Horde in Bfa and suffered no consequences. The Alliance bias needs to end so that Horde players can finally have some fun in this game again. But first the council needs to go away. That is not up for debate.

She is not Rastakhan and accepted the peace treaty. Ignoring Zandalarā€™s cries for revenge. That makes her useless. She needs to die. Together with the rest of the council.

In retaliation for burning down a capital, you canā€™t play both sides of the fenceā€¦

Anything is up for debateā€¦

Do you recall that Rastakhan had half his kingdom after his head? Talanji accepted cause it was kinda she who got Zandalar involved, Rastakhan as her father told her not to get involved and she sailed out to seek Horde aid anyways.

Rastakhan was beloved by everyone. Talanji had to fight two different rebellions in a short timespan. That shows that she has actually any real power over her people. She is weak and will lead the kingdom to ruin.

That was even after the Alliance torched Undercity. The attack on Zuldazar was alliance bias because Blizzard hates the Horde.

It is not. The council needs to die. And I will not stop promoting that until Blizzard is willing to intervene on my behalf.

Honestlyā€¦ if Blizz made Erevien a major lore character and the Catalyst for the 1000th Horde civil war, I think I would die laughing.

I meanā€¦ just think how bad the Blizz Story team can screw up with a Neurodivergent, German Blood Elf who wants to exterminate Alliance races.

Imagine ā€¦ The memes


No he wasnā€™t; his council sought his head, half the kingdom sought his head for years, etc.

Sylvanas exploded Undercity, Iā€™m not sure where you get your infoā€¦

Again I point you towards Blizzcons where they routinely shout ā€œFOR THE HORDE!ā€ on stageā€¦

They have made their statements on the issue, you scream and shout falsities in vain.


The Horde council is trash. It is full of people like Baine who let the alliance get away with what hey have done. Justice wonā€™t be served until the Alliance is wiped from the face of Azeroth for good.

He still had a fleet and a kingdom. Talanji lost both. SHe is a weak peace mongrel who needs to die. I will gladly support the next uprising that seeks her demise. Zandalar will be free from the tyranny of the council.

because the Alliance sieged it. It is called scorched earth tactics. Denying the enemy resources. But that is not the point. The battle of Dazarā€™alor was peak alliance bias and it trashed the Zandalari beyond repair. They are a useless race now. Blizzard should delete them.

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And Talanji accepts responsibility for it, this is what makes her a good leader over her father, the fact that she takes responsibility for her actions and has even a sliver of discernment for wise decision making, instead of relying on a council that sought her fatherā€™s demise.

And killing oneā€™s own troops while at it? Multiple times?

How are they useless? Theyā€™re Trolls; they still make good soldiers, they still have a sizeable army to contribute, they can heal others via the priesthood of Reā€™zan, etc. You most certainly donā€™t SEEM to support the Horde do you?

Oh, what do you think about that
Now you know how Jaina feels
Say, you can handle the Alliance.
Are you for real?

Jaina wonā€™t be hasty, sheā€™ll make you fry
If you want new Horde leaders, sheā€™ll make Erevien die!

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That army is fully depleted. The only race still having an army at full size is the night elves. Anyone else is spent on resources.

Risen Horde soldiers can still serve in undeath. Sylvanas sees that because she isnā€™t bound by mortality.

Like any other tribe Blizzard trashed them down until they were to weak to be strong on their own. The same thing alrady happened to the Amani, Gurubashi and Drakkari. Trolls are a race on the brink of extinction. The Zandalari are no different now that the Alliance took EVERYTHING from them.

Rezan is dead. And so is all the power that Talanji used to have because of him.

I support a Horde that is strong and tries everything to defeat their enemies. Instead of making peace with them like the traitors Thrall and Baine did. Until the council isnā€™t purged from all weakness and trash leaders there shall be no compromise. THe council needs to die. No discussion.

The Blight literally melted everything it touched, this can be seen by the skeletons of Horde troops, explain how this helps anyone?

All of which initiated a warā€¦not doing yourself any favors hereā€¦

A race of cannibals on the brink of extinctionā€¦ who brought their own extinction upon themselves.

Reā€™zan yes, but Volā€™zan shall soon emerge from his Wildseedā€¦

Ironic that you keep CRYING about Alliance mauling the Horde, while INSISTING that the Horde further antagonize them as ever, yes? I must say you are not a very sensible personā€¦


No. The Alliance did. Your faction are war criminals.

Because they wanted to get back the land that was STOLEN from them by the alliance. Check your blue privilege.

Volā€™jin is nothing. Just another peace monger who doesnā€™t care about the Trolls.

Because the Horde needs a big victory where they fully humiliate the alliance in a way the faction wonā€™t be ever able to recover from. That is what I want. And I will keep posting until I get it. Understand?