The Wc3 concept is BS. It was never meant to work since Thrall just assumed the Orcs wouldn’t protest being forced to live in a barren waste land where they would slowly die off after many years. The WC3 concept of the Horde can’t survive in the long run because unlike the Alliance they have no fertile lands which could support a population of people beyond barley the minimum you need to survive. Thrall’s vision of the Horde failed hard and it is time to dismantle it and replace it with something better.
Not sure war with the Alliance is going to help with the territory issues. Most of the Kali territories that would actually be of value to the Horde are those South of Ashenvale. So, all you’d need to do is destroy that one Goblin made pass into Stonetalon and direct conflict is all be superfluous. Stonetalon, Desolace, Dustwallow, Thousand Needles, Tanaris, Ungoro, and even Feralas aren’t that difficult to secure for the Horde now. On EK, it honestly might be better for the Forsaken to pull back to North of the Sepulcher in SP, and help the Frostwolves and Forest Trolls secure Alterac and the Hinterlands. Focusing their attention to the Plaguelands; alongside the FTs and BEs. That would create immense geographic security for all those Horde groups.
Also, Thrall Horde fails because Blizz constantly silences it for years to shoehorn in leaders that embody the very type of Horde you’re arguing on behalf of. How many WC1/WC2/Dark/Fel/True/Iron/Sylvie’s Hordes are we going to have to go through before you realize that Sith Empire nonsense doesn’t work in WoW?
Until the Horde actually wins one of the greater wars instead of the Alliance bias doing its trick and force us to start attacking our own faction with some BS rebellion story. The biggest enemy of the Horde is the lack of unity. Otherwise the Horde would have steamrolled the Alliance at one point. Saurfang was essentially the Gul’dan of the fourth war. Another BS rebellion which made the Horde lose yet another battle only because they refuse to stay united until the ongoing battles are over. The same BS made the Horde lose the war between Cataclysm and MoP. Thrall’s Horde is weak and the Horde will see no brighter days until the Thrall concept of the Horde is purged from the system.
My god … this means we’re going have to deal with nonsense threads like this from you forever aren’t we? LOL … jeez, just go play SWtoR man. That’s clearly where your heart is.
No. Just until blizzard starts caring about equality and makes the Alliance suffer from the same problems any time the Horde starts fighting itself. That’s all what i want.
Already finished the story there on multiple characters. Not worth the effort until it gets new content.
Warcraft means everything to me. I will continue with my takes until Blizzard is willing to change their course on the story and bring back the glory days back when the Horde didn’t suck.
When? When they were slaves of Demons and were betrayed and defeated? Or when Doomhammer led them, and they were betrayed and defeated? Or when Garrosh led them, and betrayed everyone not an Orc purist … and was defeated? Or when Garrosh betrayed his dad by becoming his Ner’zhul, and they were defeated? Or when Sylvie turned the entire Horde into her Bulwark Against the Infinite … to kill as many of them as possible in her betrayal? And was generally “defeated”?
I mean, we’ve already established there is like NOTHING about the Horde you like. I guess it shouldn’t surprise me that the reminisce about Glory Days that never existed.
The grammar is too good.
Then go play games that cater to it instead of one not meant to.
I like alot of things about the Horde. It just so happens that I fully disagree with the leadership.
They did exist. Back when all their heroes were still alive. Like all the old Orc chieftains. Pre the destruction of Draenor.
He would have won against the Alliance if Gul’dan hadn’t betrayed them. Kil’jaeden confirms this.
What do you like about the Horde now?
Some of their cities and the races. I have 16 characters after all and I played them all to max level. I wouldn’t do that if I would hate them. Obviously.
You’d be surprised how many people do things they dislike and generally act illogical.
Nobody tell him that in SWToR the Sith Empire also keeps losing
We’ve tried man. We’ve also pointed out the realities of that Empire in the fact that most Sith themselves are nothing but liabilities to its day to day operations. The IO questline (the single best class quest) was almost exclusively about the burdens the Sith create. And its pretty much all the grunts below them who actually give a damned enough to make things work that make sure anything keeps working.