Kill 25 Raid Bosses

Tired of grinding Naxx. Anything else with a lot of bosses and a better layout?

do the firelands raid both can be done in heroic and normal its 14 bosses after the runs
dont know if this was fixed though


LFR Draenor bosses imo, it can be quick

Aberrus has 9 bosses, you’ll get 25 down in 3 weeks.

That’s what I do.


I just plow through 90% of Antorus or Tomb a few times. (skipping Eonar, M-Kil’jaeden, and Desolate Host for either being timewasters or being too easy to softlock)

Yes, this! Just hearth to your garrison and there is an NPC there that can queue you into everything really fast. :upside_down_face:

edit: Because it’s LFR it ports you to different parts of the raid. Much less walking around that way.


ICC has a boatload. I was running that twice and the first couple of bosses in Nighthold for the illusion.


do legion LFR, you can also do the pandaria ones really quickly within 5-10 minutes


I like Karazhan, Hellfire Citadel, ICC, there’s a lot of raids with a lot of bosses. I usually do tmog runs on alts

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I didn’t know this was a thing. You can LFR via an NPC solo in old raids?

Did they change that? I thought only starting in WoD could you do multiple difficulties on the same lockout.

Yeah there are guys called Keeper of Histories I think their titles are. Legion’s are near Violet Hold, BFA’s in dazaralor, etc.


been working on my lock staff quest works

What’s it called?

Throne of Thunder has a few mounts and lots of bosses.

Dragonwrath Tarecgosa’s Rest.


Thanks! It looks like Shaman can get it - is it trasmog restricted to the toon that has it? I’ll google, but if you know offhand…

Let me try something real fast.

I don’t have dragonwrath, but I do have shadowmourne and I can xmog it on a lvl 10 character that obviously hasn’t done it, so all points to yes.

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This article lists all of the NPCs:

Run it on the character you want to get the dragon visage. Only the character with the staff can use the transform ability.

Good to know, thanks!

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