Tyrandus - Tauren Shaman! Add me on BNET! Tyrandus#1866
I remember you!
Tyrandus - Tauren Shaman! Add me on BNET! Tyrandus#1866
I remember you!
Your character’s name, race and class.
I was Disaro - Tauren Resto Druid
The name of your original guild on this realm.
I mostly played during BC and Wotlk, but I played with Unforgiven, Roadrunners, some people from CUTIES ONLY
The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Honestly, I don’t know who I’m looking for. I’m getting a rush just seeing people I remember seeing in global chat. Doof, Theory, Karcs, and Tyrandus come to mind.
If anyone remembers playing with Fiftycentws, that crew was awesome
Mish, Zhakar and I are probably heading to whitemane if anyone wants to join
add me if you want to join! ~spitfir3x#1747
Just sent a request now!
Myself and the lady are probably gonna make a char on Whitemane.
If things aren’t ideal, I assume the server transfer service is available for classic servers too.
Hawkeyes, Orc, Hunter
Brimstone Dragons, Phoenix
Was hoping to see some folks from those guilds. Bhagwan, Ewin, Bruddah, Mercernary, and so, so many others that have slipped my mind sadly.
Hey I remember you! Yeah, i met Chief IRL back in the day. Good times!
Name: Parabola
Race: Undead
Class: Priest
Guilds: Attrition, Carnage, and founding member of Insurgency
Goog, are you going to play on Whitemane or Fairbanks? Right now I think more people are joining Whitemane.
they are not. this character is still in the guild though. wouldn’t be surprised if some of them reactivate
Hi Theory it’s conanobrien, chrishansen
send me a friend request SteveBrule#1700
Seems like most people are going Horde on Whitemane and if you want to do ally, then ally on Herod. People are in discord getting ready now lol
Precizion#2703 - Discord
I’d like to connect with the Carnage, TBCJ, etc people
edit: sorry, this is Sitnsideways
I remember those !
I was playing as Darktwink (troll rogue)
I joined Gummi Bears as Bemona or Bemoan in the last few weeks before they disbanded, then I was with Dying Guild through Sunwell Plateau.
I remember you that’s wild!!!
Dude this is so rad we’re seeing so many faces again.
I haven’t talked to Screamn in years I miss him! I’m not in contact with Lorath but I’m pretty sure Dynastywar is and we’re Facebook buds surprisingly (lol FB 2019). I wonder what happened to Bloodyskull, I miss him too.
Also a lot of KJ folk are going Whitemane this is amazing.
Good to see some familiar names in this thread. I’m not 100% sure on coming back but it would be nice to hear from ya’ll on bnet or discord. #1265 on bnet or #7537 on discord.
Oh my GAWD memory lane hittin’ hard right now.
Anyway, my thoughts were Whitemane too…it’s West, it’s PVP…and we all know that Whitemane is the one true WoW waifu.
Hey Kas!! OMG It’s been sooooo long!!! Jezabell here! Troll shaman!!
Hey everyone…my profile shows Envidia 'cause that’s my main on my new account. I do still have Jezabell spelled Jezzybell on Vek’linash. I was Jezabell, Troll Shaman way back in the day! And back then was one of the rare females playing. HAHA! I saw Kas and Bacon on here so far. Anyone seen Emceness, Shatterhoof, Totemlord, Lyermrtwo, Bakara…Gosh who else. There were so many others!!! This is gonna be so much fun playing classic again too!!! I already saved my classic Jezabell character but on a normal server.