Soulbone - Disc Priest
Ðarkshadow - Shadow Priest
Mostly played with Beavehunter
Soulbone - Disc Priest
Ðarkshadow - Shadow Priest
Mostly played with Beavehunter
Elohelru - Undead Priest
Elru - Orc hunter
I was in a bunch of smaller guilds that barely raided on my priest
My hunter’s only real use was to kite the beast in UBRS
played in WOTLK - Megafatz / Whanbullets - Will be making a horde guild on a westcoast PVP server if anyone remembers me! cynikaL#6008 on discord
I’m reading this thread and literally crying, lmbo
Hordeside my druid was Ambela, but if you knew me you knew me by this toon. VvV, Impact, TFH (although not until Korgath, I think?), Goon… anyone still in touch with Mogrom, Sly, Daggie, Ghiren, or Kantutahn?
Smyd! It is Pocalipse haha, we used to hang out in front of Ironforge and do some crazy world pvp! Hope all is well!
Ah Purplehaze, the damn shaman I could never beat 1v1
And I remember always fighting against Threkk, Lydian and Zryde around Blackrock Mountains many times. Fun times
Kementari! I still talk to Mogrom every lil bit, Hoping he will decide to play. Haven’t heard from sly in a long time.
omg, Doof! tell him he should, from me. I can’t believe you still have the old tag! Thank you for keeping it going lol
Who in this thread all is going to blizzcon btw
Undead Shadow Priest “Obscuration”
Hey! This was definitely during BC, not Classic. I am back on KJ, been there since Cata. Feel free to reach out anytime Botokai#1906
Hey old friends! Thermal tauren shaman here! Part of Sardaukar during MC and BWL progression. Who remebers chewwy killing himself on the mailbox in Org?
I remember you man!
I was a troll rogue named Sitnsideways. I was in a bunch of guilds over many years / xpacs on KJ and still know / talk to a lot of the people from the guilds like Carnage, Flying Hellfish, IRON, Roadrunners (Black Daggers), etc. The people being… Kliegs / Kcarcssa, Mctwist, Sneakapeak, Blink, Kektonic, Loathe (but not in a while), Tredvolt, Miriska (ally druid), and some others.
I’d be super down to see what the old TBCJ crew is up to.
For now, I’m probably rolling my ally toons on Herod, and my Horde toons on Whitemane.
Hi Bobert~!
It’s Precizion / Sitnsideways
Holy, is Carnage still around??? And Blink???
I remember Wckedgrl I was a Troll Rogue named Sitnsideways and I played with an Orc Warrior named Mctwist a lot.
McTwist and I chat all the time holy hell how have you been? I’m gonna hit him up and tell him you’re alive!!!
Hi its me
Ayy, Wckedgrl is a name I remember! Karcssa’s new guild was Roadrunners, FYI.
Lots of familiar names going through this thread, but I think a lot of it is name recognition from the realm forums in those times. My original character was a troll hunter named Keasbey during Classic, but everyone probably knows me better as my blood elf rogue, Theory, during TBC/WOTLK.
I raided with Black Daggers during Classic/TBC, then joined Roadrunners as a friend invite. I also trolled the realm forums regularly, and I recognize a lot of names though you guys may not remember me (Sturmengrif, Smyd, Threkk) Conan/Beargryls I remember doing TBC PVP with you a lot, Sitnsideways I remember raiding in BD/RR with you!)
Some classic names I’d like to hear from: Ohura, Screamn, Lorath (finally know the true context of your name, not just “a place from a fantasy book” like you described it all those years ago. Did you see the series?), Keljin/Keljana, Lunala (TBC). Shoutouts to Dojev and Tarok, I still see you dudes on my steam list occasionally.
I’m rolling Alliance on Whitemane with my IRL friends so if anyone is in that area, be sure to send me a hello!
Heyyyy! I remember you! <-- Tyrandus Tauren Shaman (or Reptilio)
Mctwist!!! Whats up dude! I’m pretty sure i raided with you a ton!
Tyrandus - Tauren Shaman! Add me on BNET! Tyrandus#1866