Kil'Jaeden Alliance Reconnections

holy crap gaybackwolf! :wink: the karazhan days were of legend


Omg, so crazy seeing all these familiar names! Didn’t think I’d ever come back, but yes, I gave in just for classic lol. Throwing you an add!

If only i could find my on friend Alternate Female NE Priest.

I had come back to Classic; however with Blizzards choice to censor freedom of speech and side with Communists who commit humanitarian violations for the sake of a market share; I am uninstalling all of their games.

What’s up Temari, It’s Kazugo if you remember me :slight_smile:

Hey Stocky and Temari, it’s Kazugo here!
I was a night elf rogue if you guys remember me haha.
I am playing over on Whitemane with Warkill, Snoopi, and Silentt.
I know Hopegwyn and Akumei play on some servers, and I am trying to convince Splatterson to come back!

Walic plays too if you guys remember him!

Geralt went to live in the hinterlands and spend the rest of his days fishing last i heard.

I don’t remember Tiknaps for some reason…Where is Scrogbait! I’m pretty sure i remember you Nick, but didn’t you have a warlock?!

Pigdestroyer - NHK!

Gross dude, can’t believe you went to go play with those scrubs on the streamer server. Where is GEORGE! HE COMES TO BLIZZCON AND NEVER SAYS HI TO ASTHENIA AND I!

Hey guys!

Gnome Rogue…

nice to see so many familiar names.

Ambushin’ fools with the krol blade outside of wsg entrance. :hocho:

<3 Did you make a video for me long time ago??



Vulcan, male night elf Rogue from Avant Garde.

Greetings pals!

Vulcan! I remember you! Its Agnar, I play with a few people from Pariah still on Kirtonos horde side.

Lavazza. Draenei holy paladin.

This post was forever ago so who knows if you’ll even see it. I used to play Lissele (NE druid) and Theflash (human warrior). Ran with Black Knights from pretty much the beginning. Definitely remember you.

I was in both of those guilds, definitely remember you. I played Lissele (NE Druid) and Theflash (human warrior). Those days in Black Knights were pretty awesome.

Awesome to see some people from Black Knights in this thread. Im a little late to the party so who knows if youll see this but i definitely remember you. I played Lissele (NE Druid) and Theflash (human warrior).

Chronokiller ganking noobs from 60-66, unkillable