Kil'Jaeden Alliance Reconnections

OG KJ Reuinion Bnet Group I made. Join and spread it around!

Lol. Hey guyz!

Starmie - Human Priest. AKA Yunaa.
Miss the old Soul Society/Exordium days


Hey, I know Verm! I think we’re friends on bnet, but haven’t talked in forever.

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Whats up my dude, bunch of the old BoB still playing.

Playing as Nop on Whitemane Alliance
Hit me up if you need a guild there.

OMG i missed you all so much.

Evolox Paladin In Natural Horde Killers

October 2006
Kil’Jaeden Allaince
Tando Dwarf Hunter (currently Human Hunter)
i’ve been on KJ Allaince for 13 years now.
Same Toon 13years!!!
Aqua, Sven,all the old FSU,Rangers,
Currently in Kings Crew with Calaris,Kay

First Guild Short and Sweet Gnome Only Guild!

Hey guys, I was Emigon in Water Thunder Fire. Are you playing in Classic?

Kil’Jaeden Alliance

Purplebunny or Laysforless Human Ret Paladin

Currently playing with NakedFurby NE Feral Druid (Kil’Jaeden Player) on Benediction (Alliance) we both used to run PVP Grind groups. Looking for anyone we used to play with.

I think we played together for a bit.
Night Elf Druid.

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OH MY GOSH!!! Are you playing classic?

Long time Yunaa! You playing classic? I’m alliance on Whitemane, add me on bnet if you want, Schmokin#1907.

Hi Grey, BAM was a good time wasnt it…

I was in NHK, Advent Fury, Premonition, Divine Intervention, Blazing Aces Mercenaries.

Much love to Refresh, Edro, Greybackwolf, Puddinhead, Sylarion, Hoser, Marbles, Krad, Ant, Aquarius, Battletec, Charkae, Kellwind, and so many more.

Much respect to my old rivals on Horde side: Socrates, Hicks, Barney, Stephen, Moodib and TBCJ, Maugram and FH.

They were the best of times, they were the worst of times.

I wonder if Jenyo has faked her death recently.

good to see you playing again. I joined Ex Cinis before it was merged to WTF. Quit shortly after AQ but it was tons of fun.

Human mage Saber/Yukio
Guild: Asgard (GM, Korean guild) - Ex Cinis

Good old days. I got burnt out trying to organize 40-men raid every week while running a casual guild. I’m gonna roll dwarf priest on Sulfuras and try to play casually this time haha.

I still remember few things about KJ.

  1. There was horde shaman named “Epic”. I don’t think he was particularly skilled player but he leveled very fast to 60 and kept ganking alliance newbies shortly after beta. Still remember getting ganked by his frost shocks and earth shocks. Ugh!
  2. I played human female mage and later heard from guild member that a gnome rogue had crush on me cuz he assumed I was female based on gender of my toon and the way I talk. I felt bad lol It wasn’t intentional. I’m gonna play male dwarf this time :joy::joy::joy:

Yo! Yeah i’m on whitemane alliance, 60 hunter named HP. :slight_smile:

BattleNet Akyalas#1946

I was an old school Grand Marshal on this server.
Guild- Wee
It’s been a minute. I hope you are all good.
Also, Kira ADD ME

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alliance- Whange, Waing, Dammet, Johnson, Deez, Thefinger, Plucky, Johnson, Hotsause

playing on Incendious now- Dammet and Dinkus are current characters on alliance