Kil'Jaeden Alliance Reconnections

Hey!! I remember you! Do you have a discord? Let me know so we can get back in touch :slight_smile: Are you going to play TBC? Add me in Disc Orion#8041

It’s Rubberneck from Black Knights.

Character Name: Human Warlock, Redevil
Guild: Natural Horde Killers, don’t remember any of my other guilds.

I remember applying for Avant Garde two different times and the second time almost getting in but then an old guild mate posted on my application. Avant Garde, you were my first favorite guild in all of the Alliance and Auphan from Horde. (Think I spelled it correctly)

Rolok - Gnome Warlock

Test of Time, Premonition

Played thelimper in DeeZ / General Goods Vendor back on KJ, still rocking TBC classic now on Benediction.

Hey i know you… Me and my friends were the Catalina influence i think. I was Delthere, Dwarf Paladin and my friend was a Draenei hunter, Lotinsot i think.

Dejairl And his Amazing Friends! i was there with you before aegis (kathleen dwarf priest!) gooot to see a name i knew back then!