Kil'Jaeden Alliance Reconnections

Hey, It’s Brandashia,long time, no see!

Went on Herod. I read a lot people went horde on this server. More to gank and hoping for shorter queue times for BG’s.

I remember that experience so clearly. We were pumped when we rolled Auphan. TBF we had just gotten world buffs to kill Kel’Thuzad, but it still felt really freaking good. If I recall correctly, we actually did lose one priest. She died after some people ressed and she hadn’t entered the instance in time.


Hi old friends. Was Kiraiceblade - human mage.
Was in Doom Has Come > Reason > Avant Garde.

Luckily I’ve reconnected with lots of Reason friends already, but would love to reconnect with some Avant Garde people: Clandestine, Hand, Vaux, Heffa, Zilea, Phacia, Awptics, Chapman, Available, Tidonas, Sacapuntas, etc. If anyone knows where these people are let me know!

Hey Kira!

Some of us are still around. I am going out of town tomorrow, but I’ll be on classic some today (Specialized - Whitemane Alliance), or maybe on retail (Clandz - KJ Horde). Also you might be able to catch Hand on classic (Hughmellon - Whitemane Alliance).


I know Vulcan said on FB that he’s rolling on Whitemane.

you remember a NE rogue named Reliance?

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Night Elf Druid: Jaidan

Doom Has Come, Wee, Reason (I think), Premonition, Avant Garde. Probably a few others as well.

Some of these names and people are bringing back crazy memories. /wave Kira, Pheraph, Novain, Darksteel and any other DHC alums I missed.

So many familiar names! Really bring back memories.

Kyanaa and I are on Fairbanks Alliance for Classic if anyone wants to catch up.

People that I’d like to catch up with some time:

Gorechild, Ant

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NE Warrior:

Ex Cinis - GM and main tank
WaterThunderfire - main tank
Nemesis - main tank

Sadly I had to roll on a Oceanic server due to my work hours. Work from 3pm-11pm

Playing all alone on Arugal PvP Oceanic server. T_T


Skyz!!! Lonnnng time! Where did you end up rolling?

.[quote=“Kiraiceblade-whitemane, post:283, topic:240565, full:true”]
Hi old friends. Was Kiraiceblade - human mage.
Was in Doom Has Come > Reason > Avant Garde.

Luckily I’ve reconnected with lots of Reason friends already, but would love to reconnect with some Avant Garde people: Clandestine, Hand, Vaux, Heffa, Zilea, Phacia, Awptics, Chapman, Available, Tidonas, Sacapuntas, etc. If anyone knows where these people are let me know!

I am on Sheram Horde

Beebs I ended up playing horde on Fairbanks; will probably make an alliance character on Whitemane soon

Get it done! I still hate how mine came out, but it was good times.

Oh nice, i’m on whitemane alliance, maybe my alt will be horde on fairbanks :slight_smile: going Hunter this time around.

… Oh god thats right, Fowler, Gunthor, and the old Pein. Mortal Strikes for everybody!

JustDJR - Tauren Warrior. Bounced from Impact to Entropy and and finally to Auphan. It would be nice to hear from ya’ll on bnet or discord. #1265 on bnet or #7537 on discord.

Seconded! repost the discord link please

Oh nice theres a few WTF / KJ people on Whitemane like Hand (casual). I spoke with Agnar and he might play in December with Tormund but I dont know what server

(im Bola on Fairbanks / Mercer on Whitemane when I make an alliance toon)

Holy cow Extatic. Dynastie NE warrior. I remember priest calls on nef and you running away. Yuna and them all would spam heal you.

BattleNet Heffa #1557

holy sh!t jenyo is still alive?


also looking for leotard and alien and ant

where is thorson and his wife!!!

DHC Darama Video!

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i remeber you nivi :slight_smile: