Kicking people from groups for no reason

Lots of suggestions have been made about how to improve the system. I’ve made many. I can’t say I’ve seen a single one that would make it better. Unless blizzard wants to track kicks and get in the business of appropriately and productively moderating that behavior - there’s no change that would help.

This quote here is about the best PoV I’ve seen. If you get kicked, all you can do is count blessings.

In some cases everyone here would…be wrong. I hope blizzard starts looking into these things under their fair gameplay policies.

it actually is simple…they already have their AI for checking complaints, enough complaints gets an action…just wonder they they can’t do the same thing here…it won’t catch the occassional offender but it would catch the serial kickers or the group just out to harrass others for no reason.

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Literally the same reasoning germany did before wwII to jewish citizens. So whats next for wow, trolls kick you then 3v1 you? I dont like 50% of you nerds online but i dont start trying to kick people for no good reason. abusers need to be punished and a system should be put in place for them.