Kicking people from groups for no reason

You are right, it is griefing and trolling, and it needs to be fixed. There should be action taken against people who vote kick excessively.
I have seen it happen to people in LFR to the extreme.
If someone is at the beginning of an LFR and they are just standing their AFK, and are not doing anything to help the group, yes then vote kick them.
However, if people are trying to help in the LFR, and some jackasses think it is funny to vote kick for fun, then they should have consequences.
Sometimes those LFR’s have a wait time of over 40 minutes, just to see a small handful of pricks griefing.

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Sure. Many people are effected by people’s belief in the divine regardless of its existence. If I never visit Peru, the people who live their are merely an abstract group of assumed individuals.

In the same way, people I never encounter in game, or only have superficial interactions with, can be thought of as npcs. I have a strong proximity bias. I care a lot about those I know and like, less for those I know and don’t like and not at all for those I don’t know.

In general, I hope that everyone (abstract) is having fun, but I don’t care if any specific individual is having fun. Or more accurately, your proximity to me determines how much I care about your fun.


I have had this happen and seen it happen several times, group of players looking to harrass others have joined LFR groups and you start seeing people pulling trash or bosses repeatedly and they can’t get a vote to kick them…then you start seeing random people getting kicked and don’t know why…then you are gone from the group…you whisper those still in the group and someone responds…“you know why you were kicked”…and then they start laughing at you because they know they got away with it…Blizzard doesn’t do anything about it unfortunately…

That being said, Blizzard needs to implement features for doing an automatic report if you are kicked and don’t agree with it…abusers will have multiple reports and if they get more than 5 or so in a day they get reviewed and banned for abusing the group kick function to harrass other players.

Getting kicked for messing up? Well that is a different story, if you can’t take 5 minutes before queuing to go to a fan site like Mythic Trap or watch a Youtube video explaining the fights, well then that is on you for not being prepared for the raid.

It happens on other difficulties and routinely showing up to raid without being prepared and having half a clue what the fight looks like…that is just asking to get kicked from any raid, LFR, Norm, Heroic or Mythic…doesn’t matter…do your part as a raider and be prepared.

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I had a good laugh yesterday.

I applied to a +16 Mist on my tank after it was posted and immediately got denied. I already knew they weren’t finding a tank because I sat on my priest waiting 20 minutes with zero tanks applying to a +17 HoA before leaving. And there was 15 other unfilled keys at that rank still listed.

I took a shower and came back 20 minutes to find that +16 group still listed. So I applied, they accepted, and immediately left the group after. The group ended up falling apart after. I ended up doing a +18 mists key.

Had to teach them a lesson. :smiley: Don’t decline tanks so easily because they’re incredibly scarce.

Interesting. How do you think the system should automatically determine whether or not the person kicked doesn’t agree with it?

The truth is the kick feature has nothing to do with whether or not someone messed up. It is solely and exclusively available so that groups of people that don’t want someone in their group anymore can remove them. That’s it. While some groups may not want someone who keeps messing up, other groups may take the time to teach them. Some groups may not want someone who is obnoxious in chat and other groups may not notice or care.

The kick feature is devoid of judgment, so it can’t technically be abused the way you’re claiming. If a majority of players in the group voted to remove you, then the group no longer wanted you to be in it, and the reason why isn’t relevant.


Not really trolling. Sarcastic way of putting it maybe, but basically the premise is you might not want the answer you get, which could lead to even more toxic group behavior. Many times it’s either lower dps than the guy pushin for it wants, not following mechanics, etc… Even if you are doing ok, if they want more out of someone, and they have to give a reason, it’s likely to be something toxic like “so and so sucks, vote to kick”. It’s rarely something other than the people getting kicked are slowing the group down, they’re being toxic, or the guildies that pugged you found another guildie. I’d rather get silently kicked than be told I suck, which is gonna cause me to type out a whole novel in response only to find out I’ve been ignored.

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I joined a Halls 15 with some guild group and the leader didn’t bring a venthyr, so I was doing particular pulls, and a mage was pulling extra everywhere… we finished first boss like 13% over on trash? xD And they were being lippy about me pulling too much xDDD peace out, make sure you tell each other I’m an awful tank

Agreed. Some kind of false report system similar to other MMOs that punish players who are found abusing it would be nice.

This makes no sense. Players initiating a kick aren’t doing it because they don’t like the group… they’re doing it because they don’t like a player. And if a majority of that group agrees then they vote to kick said player.

Furthermore, I think you have a misconception of the vote-kick system. Players can be booted for whatever reason and it doesn’t matter. The point of the system is to match 5 equal-minded people together in a group. If 3/5+ people don’t like a person in their group, for whatever reason, then they have the ability to kick that person. The reason literally doesn’t matter because the groups are self-governing.

I don’t understand where people’s sense of entitlement comes from where they need to have a reason for someone to kick them. It’s not abusing the system to kick players. Just because you don’t agree with whatever reason someone kicked you doesn’t mean people have to tolerate being in a group with you. It certainly doesn’t mean that they have to leave if a majority of the group agrees with them or disagrees with your behavior/attitude in the group.


Best way to fix that is no loot for them for a week.

Disagree. Stop slowing down the groups and do solo content.

that isnt the truth, I play on heroic levels on a lot of raids and when i join a LFR group on my alts and am still in top dps spot and get kicked, with no comments then there is obviously a problem. I have seen it happen many times, nothing said in raid, just a kick with no reason given.

I have messaged a few of these players and gotten the message they were getting rid of baddies, but no explanation why they kicked me other than to laugh and say I know why I was kicked…but I was top in dps and we had been killing bosses with no problems.

The same group kept seeing people getting kicked and getting whispers asking why? I reported it because I had a good idea there was a group of these players kicking multiple players for no reason and when it happend to me, for no reason it was proof to me that they were doing it to harrass others.

It is no different than waiting an hour for a LFG group as a dps and the tank laughs and leaves and you have to wait longer for another tank, or others in the group leave because they dont want to wait and the group falls apart…it is a form of griefing and there needs to be a way of reporting as the cheating reports are not being answered other than with copy and pasted responses that they wont investigate griefing reports using the kick function in LFR or LFG.

It is BS and it ruins the game and the GMs apparently don’t care about the players being griefed even though it literally is in the rules that any actions like this that go against the game and cause harrassment to others is not being followed.

this isn’t that type of situation that is being discussed…it would be relatively easy for a GM to see /whisper messages of the offenders who are kicking for no reason, or know if they are guilded or from same server etc.

the situation being discussed is the grief kicks, it happens, more than maybe you are aware and something needs done about it to punish those found guilty by the GMs of griefing.

For instance if they see the same person starting votes to kick multiple players for no reason (no ingame discussion about issues with the player) then that is griefing.

Not sure if it is still possible now but it used to be possible to get on a Discord site and time your queues so as many people in your group as possible were able to get into a specific raid. I saw this happen with guilds like Ruination where they would go to multiple servers and advertise their groups and get everyone in discord, do a countdown and all queue at once to maximize the number of players they got into the group.

This is done mostly for PvP situations to try and have an organized group rather than all PUGS but it also works for griefers who can get into Discord and all queue for LFR at once and the more they get in the more they control the votes and can all repeatedly go thru the list of other players and get votes started to kick them.

GMs will be able to see this coordination without seeing the chat they will be able to tell which players are repeatedly voting to kick with nothing said in chat and take actions against those griefers. If you are voting to kick someone and don’t know why they are being kicked, maybe you should be asking the raid group instead of just voting yes?

Ive seen it mostly when doing 1-60 dungeon Que. If you join a Dungeon Que and see 3-4 people all in the same guild there is a chance you will be kicked even if you keep your mouth shut and perform perfect rotations with twink gear. Always feels like i am walking on egg shells when i see a full guild group ( End Game is fine though, just lvling up groups )

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It would be relatively easy if there were an army of GMs dedicated to sifting through instance logs and chat logs of hundreds of thousands of players…

And that’s before we get into whether or not they check to see if there are reasons that the kicked person just isn’t aware of, because there are many people who are extremely unaware of their deficiencies.

So, not nearly as simple as you’re thinking.

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Guildie has logged on.
Kicks warrior. Invite guildie

This is pretty much all it is. Or someone better applied to the group.

Youre bad, and you waste everyone elses time. Most people are trying to spam dungeons as fast as possible and if you dont know the dungeons, dont queue them, do solo content.

in M+ blood elf has a strong racial, shadow meld is also a very strong racial, when cross faction is in and depending on skip and mass dispel requirement in the new dungeons the meta may define the desired races.

Your subjective opinion doesn’t justify objective reality. You have no idea why you were kicked or if someone was “griefing” other players. You’re assuming this information and trying to use it to argue a point.

GMs can’t hold everyone’s hand through the process. Right now most of the customer service is outsourced or automated. Sometimes things are just going to happen and guess what… that’s life. The system is set up so groups are self-governing. That’s why there is a vote kick system. It’s based around what the majority of the group’s decision so a GM doesn’t need to spoon feed punishments like it’s a kindergarten class. Just because you feel like something is wrong doesn’t mean that it is because you have a biased opinion.

I think we’re playing different games. I can’t remember a time being bothered by this. Yea people leave groups or DC quit, but it’s never bothered me to a point where I’m posting about it on forums. Certainly not so vividly. I guess experiences may vary…

Easy answer to this thread.

People suck, life sucks. Get over it, move on.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk