Kicked Unfairly

You seem unnecessarily combative and condescending, and it doesn’t seem like you’re at all willing to explore the idea that your actions can have consequences you don’t agree with. Based on what I’ve seen in this thread, I could understand if your personality clashes with people and they choose not to play with you.

The timer is 3 minutes and if anything it’s been decreased over time, not increased.

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(post deleted by author)

Well then I experienced a bug or a glitch.
Or, all of you are coming up with random BS.
Once again
If you think I’m lying, I can’t do anything other than tell you what I experienced.
That is the TRUTH whether you want to PRETEND otherwise or not.

I tend to be that way with toxic A-holes yes.
And what “consequences” to my actions?
Because that is the ONLY thing I could have possibly done wrong.

Edit: just thought of something, what if the raid was already started, as in I joined in late?
What then? That or 3 minute limit would have already passed right?
Because I WAS kicked seconds into joining after answering no. Whether you want to believe that or not. My friend was there as well as we qued together. So, instead of saying “that didn’t happen, you’re lying” how about “it’s possible if the raid were started”.
You want to accuse me of lying, I WILL defend myself.

I’ll just say, based on your posts in this thread, you seem like you can be a pretty toxic person towards others, and the vote to kick feature is available for groups to remove players they perceive as toxic.

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So answering “no” to a question is toxic then.
Got it.
Thank you for informing me and proving to me why being a solo player is the best thing ever.

It’s the way you talk to people, not answering “no” to a question.

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Well the ONLY thing I said in chat was “no” after being asked a question, therefore the "toxicity’ I was kicked for was saying no.
your logic. Not mine.

That wasn’t my logic, no.


You can find it unfair all you want, but whether or not accept it… it is fair, people don’t want to play slow and if you do, find a group of friends or like-minded players and que with them. It sucks that you got kicked instead of them just ignoring you… but that’s life, move on.

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To toxic people it is fair.
to SANE people it is not and is a horrid system abused by TOXIC people defended by TOXIC people.

You can cope all you want bud… it is fair, the others in the group didn’t want him there. Like OP, you’ll get over it.

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I was kicked 15 years ago for an unfair reason and i was very bothered. These days i’m mature enough to look at all sides of the situation and realize i was kicked due to my own actions. If i do get kicked, which hasn’t happened in 6 years or so, i just do something else for 30 minutes and it is not a big deal.

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this is the world blizz created with their new changes to people leaving/getting kicked from groups, sadly Heroic dungeons are not what they used to be, and when more veterans players come across a new tanks that they find slow, they probably have the power to clear said dungeon alone thus creating this situation of them not respecting the role of tanks or healers sometimes.

You had no experience tanking, that was the reason. At least they asked…

If you want the quick Q, and you kinda know what you’re doing, next time just LIE.


Those three players on Reddit:

“why doesn’t anyone want to tank anymore?”

Based on how you’re talking to people in this thread, I think we can ALL agree, that you being a solo player IS the best thing ever. For you and for US.

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what is unfair about majority rules?
What would you prefer to see?

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That’s incorrect as well. The timer is on each player when they join an instance. There’s no way to argue this point where it is true.

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They could have been playing on a different char, either way, the results are the same

You can try it yourself and see. Try to kick someone in LFR who has just joined. Don’t worry, it won’t happen. It is impossible for multiple reasons.