You don’t have to be though. Don’t get an air of arrogance over being the leader. You’re not better than anyone else in the group. Just because you’re the tank it doesn’t mean you’re leading the group. You’re just holding aggro.
People have come to expect tanks to lead dungeon groups but that’s not always the case.
My raid leader is not my tank for example. One of our healers is.
That being said everyone has a role and everyone should stick to it. DPS should not be pulling. And should ideally wait 2-3 global’s for the tank to get aggro.
If that Warlock understood how threat and threat resets work in this game he might not be so eager to rush in. But who am i kidding, people like that feel entitled and just want to top the dpd meters so they rush through it.
Unfortunately I can’t say it gets better as you level up or do end game content because it doesn’t. Best thing you can do if you actually really enjoy tanking is to try to shrug it off and move on.
There’s always going to be ignorant rude people that don’t understand your role.
Just take solice in knowing you’re not the only one going through it and there are people out there that understand what you’re going through with runs like that.
Yeah don’t worry man! I accidentally wiped a group on Oynxia because I looked away from the screen for 0.5 seconds when I pulled LOL! Obviously you didn’t do anything wrong:).
I encountered 1 person who was mean. A tank. All other dungeons were silent. The tank that was mean literally pulled the entire Scarlett Cathedral courtyard, we wiped. We resed, he pulled it all again, we wiped again. We managed to get into the Cathedral, he pulls the whole thing, we wipe. Runs in again, thankfully, enough mobs are dead that we barely make it.
All the while he’s insulting the healer.
All other dungeons : silent. no hate on tanks.
You guys are way too focused on this “Tanks get hate!” narrative. People are jerks, regardless of the role.
Oh, that healer who got massively dunked on for nothing that was his fault ? Didn’t make a thread asking if he should stop healing. He just shrugged it off, finished the dungeon and left.
People today in pugs suck and I mean suck worse than they used to, I’ve always had bad groups from time to time but MOST groups were decent and some were even awesome. People today have no patience and it’s constant slew of “Go go go” and “PULL MORE” to the point I said screw it. I did roughly four dungeons (yeah not a lot I know) but literally three of the four in different level brackets were all insufferable C’s. If you’ve got somewhere to be… or you’re in that much of a rush you can’t let a tank learn how a class plays you deserve to be banned from LFG/LFR. I wanted to add another tank to the pool but these people remove any of the fun. Instant queues are meaningless if I can’t at least enjoy or learn how my class/spec operates.
And I gotta tell OP, I didn’t say to have thicker skin to be mean. Tanks get A LOT of criticism as they level and learn their spec, and part of the role is processing toxicity better than most people.
I sometimes think that Tanks who go berserk in raid environments, like LFR, are sort of relishing “their turn” to tell DPS and Healers to get their crap together, rather than the other way around.
Well most of it is well deserved however as someone that plays both tank/dps it goes both ways
Dps are prone to flying off the handle being impatient by not letting the tank do their job whereas some tanks get a god complex thinking that the world revolves around them and by extention they are infallible and are NEVER to be questioned
The bottom line is all 3 roles are vital to success and the sooner the elitists and the leeroys figure it out the better the pugs will be
True, but there’s constructive criticism and then there’s being a dirtbag. Giving someone tips is good. ‘Are you remembering to weave in SotR? Using LotP? Lay on Hands? Don’t be afraid to use GoaK on a large trash pack - it’s a short cooldown.’ Etc. It’s another thing to berate them while giving them literally no information that will actually improve their performance - and thus everyone’s dungeon run.
But pugs are what they’ve always been - a mix of normal balanced people with a handful of Leeroys and elitists that aren’t as good as they think they are turning things into a drag.
I try not to let the latter bug me too much. They’re out there, you’re gonna run jnto em eventually. It is what it is. The alternative is to only do things with guildmates.
You know which Superman game was bad ? The NES one where you were some Green small Clark, had meters on your powers, changed using phone booths, had a city map to travel around and where getting anything done was near impossible to figure out.
Oh i agree but your right too some ppl are NOT built to tank in fact i had the pleasure of seeing a prot pally mistakingly think just because DKs tank with a 2H that they can do it too
Long story short 2H sword + no righteous fury = dead pally
Death knight tank dies while basically auto attacking and spamming arcane torrent whenever he can for some reason… when he dies i put a soul stone immediately on him to pick him up.
In the span of 1 second he typed in chat : REZ ME PLAY YOUR CLASS!!!
He stayed silent most of the dungeon but the healer called him a piece of crap. Ty random pug healer i love you.
Most leveling dungeon spammers, i hate you though. I hate cata leveling zones but you make me consider biting the bullet and dealing with it every new toon i level.