Kicked from group for stupid reason?

Good luck with that. Any mana user that is OOM will put the group in trouble. These classes rely on mana, so if you’re in a situation with a bad tank that cares not for anyone else in the group, this mentaility is typically asking for a wipefest.

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As a tank myself, you don’t have to wait for hunters until boss fights for single target damage. Locks don’t need Mana since life tap gives Mana so thier Mana pool is the healers Mana pool. To clarify, the tank could make calls depending on the packs ahead and the odds of a bad pull. There is no set in stone rule.

Yes, I understand your opinion, thanks. I tank too. (But do you even play Classic?) Personally, I’m not that kind of tank tho, but that’s just me. Does the fact I also tank and my experience as a Vanilla player make any amount of difference? lol All you did was basically repeat what I countered. I’m not here to debate your opinion, was posting some quotes as an example. I don’t believe I replied to you, if that happened I did it in error to be clear, but it doesn’t show me that I did.

Noo kidding…there are however, social skills. They tend to be important in a social game. That’s all.

I actually paused work to type this, I been having a issue with this myself to the point i left a group because of this. Warlocks was not what i pictured when I made this toon, later expacs mana was not a issue for locks. But now it is, yes even with life tap if our health is low.

Warlocks is a high maintenance class after a wipe etc, we need to summon pet, which is not instant, drink, and eat if not healed, then make stones, it feels like it takes 5 minutes and I hate feeling like I am holding up the group, compared to my warrior were it is eat and done. to the point I left the last dungeon I did cause this was not fun to me as i felt rushed because they would not stop.

When I use to tank I did wait for all mana to get capped, not just healers because some classes also has self heals that helps get HP back up while fighting, and I just wanted everyone to be able to produce the best maximum play experience, but communication is key, if things are covered at the start…then anyone having a issue can either opt out before its to late.

Bottom line I will just stick to full guild runs now that is on discord.

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Exactly. That’s exactly why I countered some of the haughty “Locks & Hunters don’t “need” mana” attitudes. It’s bogus. They literally do need mana. LOL This should be obvious, yet someHOW! :rofl: People defy abject reality and say “nuh uh!” Okay, try that LOL Try playing either class with zero mana, let’s see what happens lmao

Because you are a considerate and competant tank that doesn’t need excuses to rush others because you can’t effectively manage Rage or other resources needed to tank.


Right they want us to aoe but with no mana .lol goodluck

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No You shouldn’t, they should be using the time for you to get aggro for them to get mana

As a lock, I don’t think you can run out of mana. I’ve never played a lock to high level, but every lock I’ve ran with life taps to regain Mana. Correct me if I’m wrong, I assume life tap is a baseline ability. The only time they drink is when healerd mana is low or someone else is drinking.

-You can.
-I have.
-Literally the least efficient way to play a Loc (tho that doesn’t prevent people parroting this because many a lousy blog actually has this as a playstyle now! lmao (You woulda been ridiculed heavily for playing this way in Vanilla)
-Have you played on Classic? (serious question I’ve already asked, because you’re posting on a retail toon-they play entirely different).

Warlocks need to max out first aid and help the healer tap off…Life tap can drive the healer insane especially if tank is chain pulling … cant life tap when low health and cant life tap when healer has low mana(and usually does running with a fast pace tank.)


Yes and I do usually bandage after I life tap, but the healer doesn’t know that all the time and will start healing me, I do watch the healers mana also, reason again I rather dungeon on discord so we can say things like this as we go on instead of typing it.

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I always shoot a little HP to the locks
I dont bother overhealing them or anything, just enough so they can keep tapping and stay out of the deadlights

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We are both posting on alts, however I like the playstyle of my monk more, the game not so much. I’ve only played Classic since day 1. Daswings Grob. I clear rag and Ony in 3ish hours on reset day every week just like every other guild. I’m not going to discuss the lock thing anymore since clearly this is based on each owns experience and I’ve never had a single issue with a lock ever being oom. Anything considered bad in vanilla hardly matters anymore, the meta makes it null and void. Off topic, Ive played since vanilla and let me say I played a mage and i stacked agility when I was leveling up. Due to the limited information we had back than, I thought it made my fireballs faster :persevere:. My toaster computer crashed every time I would go to old town in stormwind. Times have changed indeed

Sometimes you need to stop and smell the corpses.

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Unless it is in Strat or Scholo if mages and priests don’t have full mana it would most likely end in a wipe so it depends on the dungeon

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When I tank classic instances (druid, obviously not this character) I tell people before we get in that I have their mana bars on my ui so I’m going to pull as quickly as the group is comfortable with but on bosses wait for full mana. Haven’t had a single issue yet.

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You must enjoy wiping then…

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look some people are bad at the game and some people are good. most content in classic is absurdly easy. the idea that “mana users” need to be max mana before pulling is absurd.

Neat, you can debate points I never even made. Okay.

did you say this? yes.

it’s not true that a hunter being oom puts a group in danger.