Kicked from group for stupid reason?

It depends on how the group is set up. If you have a high burst group, “mages,” you should be pulling big groups and breaking in between for mana.

When you continually make small pulls one after another without a chance to drink, the mages get tapped out and the actual killing slows to a crawl as they wand things to death. 10-15 seconds of drinking can save you 1-2 minutes of actual time.

What others have said here about dps drinking while you tank is true enough, but i’m gonna go out on a limb and say you’re getting trucked, “tanking with a 2 hander most likely,” and if they sit and drink you’re gonna die. Only reason i can think a group would drop a tank with the given example.

Yep i find it funny the same mage complaining about mana will pull agro before the mobs get to me. I usaully try to pull with mages drinking it usaually easier to tank without a mage pulling a loose mob to run after.

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Kinda stupid on their part, kicking a tank is like shooting yourself in the foot, gl finding another prot warr.

The one thing I can think of, that I don’t really see mentioned, is whether you were allowing any gaps at all between pulls. We have to be out of combat in order to sit and drink, so if you’re already starting the next pull as the current one ends, they may not have been able to do so even if they wanted to.

Some dungeons, too, you have to watch for the stupid critters. Serpentbloom snakes in WC drive me batty because they’ll get “hit” by a shout, and then leave everyone stuck in combat until they’re killed.

They’re dumb be happy that group most assuredly fell apart, never kick a tank in World of Fury WarrCraft Classic.

Yes, lol clearly I said the portion you quoted, (hence why you could quote it), which is the opposite of what you claimed I said which was:

“max mana” is the opposite clearly, of OOM. Hopefully now you understand. Ergo you’re arguing things I never said. And in attempt to ridicule, implying that you didn’t address me out of context, by using semantics, which is simply being disingenuous.

Well I’m sorry you feel that way. (Trouble I believe is what I said, now you’re just trying to make this sound like a bigger deal than I was making it out to be). I’ve experienced the opposite, depending on circumstances, as have many others. You can bet that if a Hunter goes OOM because a Tank is speedclearing, the other DPS aren’t far behind (if not there already). This isn’t rocket science, here.
I don’t care to “debate” on a “nuh uh!” level.
Well done. :clap: