Kicked from group for stupid reason?

Absolutely not.

Dps can drink through the start of the pull if need be. The only players mana that matters is the healers.

I never wait for DPS, because they can just med through a pull of they want. They’re just being baby’s because they can’t stand being low on the meter. I’ve always hated DPS meters, because it takes the social aspect out of the game. When everyone’s worried about being #1, they don’t want to chat or interact.

Sheesh, I’d hate being in a dungeon group with most of you. Wanding is not fun and actually dpsing is going to require me to drink a lot. If you want to keep pulling and don’t mind me sitting there for 15+ seconds getting my mana back so I can actually contribute, that’s fine I guess.



I got kicked from scholo for forcing people to tank the mobs I was pulling. Everyone had full health, full mana. I do ridiculous pulls to my guild just to see how well they handle it. We always win. These guys just wanted to do a nice and relaxing 2 hour scholo. I’m glad they kicked me. I can’t hang with scrubs for that long.

While leveling it is quite annoying when tanks don’t wait for mana. At level 51, I have just under 5,000 mana, My water replenishes less than 2,000 mana. Meaning it will require me to drink twice if I am empty, this could take somewhere around 45 seconds to get back to full. If I use my mana gems before that, It may take me longer if I need to recreate them.

But in the end, if they don’t mind me drinking through a trash pack here and there so I can drink, it is fine with me. As much as I am a Meter Goblin, my main objective is to complete the dungeon, so if I have to fall behind to drink, so be it.

If someone asks you to wait for mana, then wait for mana. It’s really that simple.


It depends how many mana dps you have in your group. If you have 3 dps who use mana, yea you should wait for them. Especially if your doing aoe pulls. Aoe spells cost a lot of mana and it takes forever to regenerate without drinking.

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As a lifelong WoW tank, I’ve found that if your casters are going OoM constantly on trash pulls, then they’re just competing for meter spots and not delivering the amount of DPS required. So they use high-damage, mana-draining spells just to be #1 on that meter.

They’ve also neglected regen for pure damage output, which works in a raid but not so well when leveling and in 5-man dungeons.

As a tank it’s kinda our job though to learn how much mana we’re blowing through on each pull and making sure we have enough to not wipe on the next one. If you gotta wait then you gotta wait sometimes.

I tank strat/scholo religiously on my drood. I always wait for healer mana If they’re below 50%. If the mage is oom and we’re doing one of the many aoe packs in strat I’ll wait but typically people want to go fast. They wanna get in and out and I’ve yet to have anyone tell me to down in any dungeon. We typically clear any of those dungeons in around 30 mins.

If you got kicked for not waiting on mana you were either in a very crappy group or possibly you were asked several times to slow down. While I prefer to group with people of equal mindset not everyone is there to pew pew pew. Some people wanna see the scenery and rp with the gargoyles. Stay away from those morons.

It’s honestly w/e the majority of the group want. There’s no right or wrong answer.

the DPS should drink till full, if the tank dies, too bad
if it stresses the healer… sure kick the tank

…I’ve played a holy priest and holy paladin and the down side of not waiting for dps is that if tank pull mobs while dps is drinking it means you will have to tank longer which means I will have to heal more, which means I will then have to drink…but for the most part I havent had many issues with dungeons…

I have kicked pug tanks before, but not for pacing. I am exceptionally waspish and remove people at a whim, so as others have posted above me; this ain’t the entire story.

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hunters literally dont need mana in 5 mans. if someone needs mana they drink while you pull. even healers. some people just cant handle 5 man cause they have anxiety or something. its actually depressing. we have people ppl doing MC at 55 in greens but other people cant do a 5 man with out having a break down.

If it’s a mages mana always wait. Mages are the best dungeon DPS by a mile. I guess the rule is can the class DPS without Mana? You don’t have to wait for hunters or locks. Locks can life tap and Hunter can AA. I’m a 60 bear tank main, I always wait for mages, boomies, healer, and shadow priests.

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In easy a$$ dungeons just go. I hate slow tanks that don’t pull multiple mobs and think cc is always needed. Fact is these dungeons are very easy and many of us have done them close to a hundred times. I drop groups if they take forever in between pulls. So for good players we thank you.

My thought is: the tank sets the pace, but not every group can go at the same pace. I also ask about 5 pulls in if we’re moving at an appropriate speed. I usually don’t go balls to the wall as fast as possible between pulls unless it’s people I know, but if the healer tells me we can ramp it up, or a DPS tells me to slow down, it’s on me to adjust. I honestly don’t pay a ton of attention to DPS mana during a run for normal pulls, assuming we’re clearing packs with no problems. If it’s a boss, bigger pack, or I’m doing more than one pack at a time sure, I make sure everyone is topped off.

Communication is key. If the group asked you more than once to slow down, you probably should have slowed down. If the group wiped because nobody had any mana and they’d already brought up slowing down, I’d get it. But also there’s a ton of D-bags that insist dungeons be run exactly one certain way and if not they’re just going to call you a scrub and boot you. Better to not let those people bug you and just go get a different group.

DPS get upset when they are drinking & their uber damage meter ranking suffers for it while others may still be DPS during the initial part of the pull. After all, it’s always about your score on the damage meter. :wink:

Ahh, you’re one of those tanks…combine their answers with yours & you’ve already answered your own question… smh

And (I know I’m gonna get trolled for this but) are people seriously this absolutely self centered? I’m talking about some of the responses here… “I just go”. Really? Has it occurred to you that people of all ages and backgrounds play this game and it has nothing to do with content being “easy”. How petty.
Many people have tendonitits from playing this game so long, some have arthritis, (you can have that at a VERY young age by the by) there’s a variety of things that could be why someone else plays (YOUR definition of “slower”).
Because the people that play these characters have things going on in their lives that perhaps short sighted ignorance would prevent you from considering.
I’m really fed up with this attitude honestly. This has been pointed out so many times & yet I still see people failing to ever consider this.
You wanna play like that, go solo.

(Waiting for the trolls to have a field day with this…productive as ever).

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jesus christ cry babies…

sit down and drink for a few seconds while i pull the next pack and get aggro on all of them…

stop trying to top da metahs and just have a fast clean run. thats all.