Kicked for needing on a blue boe

Classic is whatever blizz says is classic. This is bc blizz owns and creates the game, not you. You can go to pservers or stay on era if you want, but it’s not going to change anything.


There was reason for him to be kicked… Let me rephrase that, I can SEE the reasoning behind why he got kicked. Those pants are strength, int and stam, strength isn’t wanted by Hunters and it’s leather not mail. I’ve already stated this but if someone else also wanted it I can see them needing it more than OP’s Hunter. If someone didn’t want it then the kick was unwarrented.

It’s not pay to win, you still have to complete the content yourself, you can’t just walk up to a vendor and buy the gear without ever doing the raid. You still need to enter the raid, do the mechanics and then have the items to actually drop.

The fact that you can buy gold doesn’t make it pay to win, you still have to play the game to get the things everyone else has.

Okay… Let’s see if I can respond to some of those points.

WoW tokens are how they monetize Classic WoW, with it sharing a sub with Retail them giving us the WoW token in WotLK is so that Classic WoW isn’t making them bleed money. It’s the same reason why they make those Classic expansion packs that come with a pet, mount and boost, to monetize Classic WoW.

Max level boosts were added because for most of Classic and TBC all people did for getting their characters to max level were dungeon boosting.

We had Naxx 40 in Classic for 6 months as the current raid tier, it makes sense why Naxx 25 was cut short as ther reason for it’s re-release doesn’t work in WotLK Classic.

The reason why we started at 3.4, instead of 3.3.3 is because this isn’t WotLK, it’s WotLK Classic. The distinction needs to be made that this isn’t the same, there are differences in what client it uses and other things but the main one is that this isn’t retail (which is what WotLK was back in 08).

This is the same for Classic WoW which started on 1.13 instead of 1.12 and TBC too with us starting with 2.5 instead of 2.4.3. So if you have a problem with WotLK Classic being on 3.4 then I don’t understand why you don’t have a problem with HC Classic being on 1.14.

As in abilities reset and the end of every encounter wipe or otherwise? That’s a great change, it means that people don’t have to pick and choose what bosses they can go all out on they can just go out on every single one.

The loot boxes were so that players were incentivized to queue as a healer or tank, titan run dungeons kept dungeons relevent and mounts and pets being account wide is fine with me, my other characters can benefit from my other characters work.

I don’t care that my level 42 alt can ride Ashes of Al’ar or Invincible, I can understand why some people would care but personally I don’t.

I enjoyed it, not as much now that we’re this late into the expansion but I enjoyed it a lot.

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I enjoy Wrath Classic. Am I wrong? Maybe let people enjoy things and accept not everyone likes the same things as you.

Or keep being a tool, whatever floats your boat


yea I was gonna say, unless your leveling up only in dungeons and not questing at all, you’d have at least 20 pairs of pants from quests better than these.

When you say etiquette, you’re assuming certain conditions. High volume, high frequency, general behavior guidelines for a population at large. Well, when you’re in low level dungeons, that’s like being in the boonies. Ain’t no population at large. Could be all sorts of whackos you’re dealing with. Just keep driving until you reach the city and you’ll be fine.

I totally agree with this. I’m a veteran player, but never do raids or any dungeons above heroic, because I’m afraid of getting attacked for not playing my class perfectly or parsing well.

I’ll admit I don’t play any of my classes perfectly, although I’ve been looking up tips and guides and everything, I can’t seem to figure it out at the higher levels. Normally I wouldn’t be to worried and just try it out, but it’s been my experience this community is pretty toxic overall.

In my opinion, I don’t worry about people needing things in dungeons anymore. I used to, but it’s like if anyone needs something, why not need on it. I don’t care if the stats are minimal or ‘not for their class’. A lot of new players aren’t going to make that distinction right off the bat, or even really that quickly. I know it took me a while to figure it out.

I’ve seen people quit the game completely just from all the flak they get for needing on an item that veterans think isn’t for their class. Maybe help people out instead, let them know what works better for their class, instead of freaking on one item that any one of them would be replacing in a day or two anyway.

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Unless you were naked unlikely.

It’s useless to you.

read never.

That doesn’t matter until Cata.

That is why they were kicked.

They’d still have better. 58 to 66 there’s 2 that are good and one that’s passable, not including greens.

Teach them now before you get stuck with the derp at 80 messing up your alts raid.

There is no “think” about it. When not corrected is how we ended up with a shaman that has a staff and died to a 187 mage in WG. We KNOW what stats are for what classes.

If they need it, I have no issues. If they’re a hunter rolling on STR I’d kick them too. They’re going to roll on other stuff they can’t use and people will lose out on legit upgrades because they want to live up to a stereotype. Not getting kicked for this crap is how they got to 66 and is rolling on loot that’s useless to them.

There’s also more to this story I guarantee it. Most likely something along these lines based on the replies they’ve given:

PartyMember: You know str does almost nothing for you right?
Huntard: It’s better than what I have!
PartyMember2: It’s not, you have agi/ap on your pants now.
Huntard: goes off on the usual points thrown around by bads “my $15”, “don’t tell me how to play”, “that’s racist”, “your toxic”, etc.


That’s why you correct it.

Sorry, I don’t worry too much about it in ‘leveling dungeons’ but that’s just me. Oh, and maybe before you kick them, let them know what you think before you do, or they wont have a clue why it happened and they could end up doing it again. If people aren’t taught, they don’t learn.

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So if a DK need (and using) a plate gear with spellpower, or a mail gear with intelligent is fine with you?
Play all the way from lvl 1 to lvl 6x, or from lvl 55 to lvl 80 without any idea what stat the class need is terrible. It 's basically for every average player. It has nothing to do with veteran or not.

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Ok, ok. I guess you all are misunderstanding me. All I’m saying is if you just kick people without explanation, they won’t learn anything. Plus, I can’t remember the last time I’ve been in a group where something like that happens. Maybe it happens all the time to you guys, and if it does, I’m sorry.

I’ve seen rets running spell power and clothies running attack power gear at 80 lmao. I just hope people actually take advice from others at this point.

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You took a sellable item that isn’t good for your class, which you knew you’d immediately replace because it was so poorly itemized for your class. For the rest of the run, the group now has a sincere concern you will loot ninja anything you can equip that your already-proven faulty logic tells you too. So yes, I’d kick you too, because it was a ninja’d item, not an upgrade.


It matters that OP knows the reason why he was kicked. And he still thinks it’s an upgrade and he should “need” it anyway.


Now u know.

Due to your class, armor type, and stats I would of initially thought you were a blank to. Unless I saw you immediately equip it. You would be breaking armor bonuses for a potential loss. So I can see why they got irritated. If everyone greeded for boe then ya you should of greeded. Vice versa if it was everyone needed its social grouping etiquette. Unless it was put out prior for boes, if you relly had to have it you should of asked the group before you rolled need, like hey I irrationally think this is an up can i hit need.
Hunters have a bad habbit of needing everything and looking later. Waiting for entire group to hit greed then hitting need is kinda a blank move especially with your class and armor type. Posting about it is pretty humorous though, unless you were really paranoid you ninja looting and something was going to happen, “it wont game side outside of community thinking you’re a ninja looter or that you dont know your class, but only because you called yourself out.” Also assuming its why you posted from a different character.

I could care less about any of the drops in 5 mans outside of like the first 1-3 weeks of an expansion. I don’t even look at how they are being rolled on by the group unless I just see one jerk winning everything because they are just winning everything by needing and just start needing. Even then I mostly don’t even care and probably miss it more times then not.

Thats about it.


Doesn’t exist yet.

Still doesn’t excuse rolling on gear that’s garbage for your class, but needs to be reinforced that armor type for anyone but a tank (and those that get AP from armor) means nothing.

Stats > all - until cata.

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I got kicked the other day for asking the tank to slow down, I even got kicked one time when I had 2 guildies in my 5man run(and neither said yes to kick, checked streams and they voted no) Rdf brings face more toxicity and I can’t say I don’t take part in it myself(kicking lower GS before giving em a chance bc I don’t want a 3700gs in a run when everyone else is close to 6k.