Kicked for doing damage as a healer in a leveling dungeon?

Arcane missiles is why I cannot stomach lowbie pvp nowadays. Twinks and all are fine but the second I see an arcane missile spamming mage in the pvp group my depression grows by 100000%

it also might be worth pointing out the difference between healers for people who are against us doing dmg. healer #1 might sunfire, moonfire, and solar wrath spam until tank is low from some unexpected burst. now he might swiftmend, apply hots, regrowth, and maaaaybe bark as a panic button.

healer 2 lifebloom/rejuvs tank before pull. prowl, open with rake, couple swipes to deplete energy, sunfire to dot all mobs, and a regrowth if tank needs it. i know what kind of dmg is coming. i have a weak aura to show every players kick cd in the group, and know when a cast is going through. i know what cd’s the tank has available. so i’ll bark tank even over 50%, make sure i have some sunfire left, and back to kitty stuff.

the types of people who kick a healer for doing dmg, are usually the type who are totally unaware of what is happening, and what WILL be happening. any healer can make plays on the fly. but a good one is already planning ahead

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I don’t have this issue, but I’ve been levelling a priest via. dungeons as Disc. No way to not DPS as Disc, lol.

Sounds like a bad group, to be honest.

Its better if you are doing damage as a healer cause stuff dies faster. In other games like if you ever played FFXIV they kick you for not doing damage on a healer.

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What? lol
if everyone is at full health and / or has their own cooldowns why cant the healer staff whack or something ? all that does is make everyone elses job easier too

I wish we had that mentality in this game, for some reason people think the healer should just stand there and wait

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Yeah. I am leveling a pally right now and it is very irritating when healers just dps and dont heal.

“You don’t need heals!”

Maybe because I am spending more time healing myself than pulling and getting aggro, because they are bored with the role they queued as…

I do not know about the OP. But it is rampant in leveling dungeons. People queue as heals and refuse to heal, and just want to DPS. If I dont die… Its because I am healing myself while getting clobbered.

I would probably do more DPS than they are doing, but I cant even use an offensive ability because I have to heal myself.

And people bemoan a tank shortage.


Not to me recently. Been playing my resto and i swap from sunfire to my heals ala macros. Not once nobody complained about that.

Not unless you have those zerg tanks and those zerg groups or groups that act all silly or new people.

I agree, it is petty to kick the healer out for trying not to be dead weight when everybody’s HP is 100%.

They probably do not realize that as a healer you do have dmg spells for a reason (DPS),Pugs are full of people with issues just move on keep doin dmg and do not let the dummies bring you down.

don’t think we are getting the full story in this one.


I’d only ever get on a healers case for DPSing if the group wiped because of it. Hell, I play a form of “restokin reborn” on my druid, keep the group hotted up and at least sun/moonfire on mobs, tossing out a wrath if I can.

The group the OP had is one I’d be like “hey, if the DPS was actually doing their job, maybe I would not feel the need to help when no one needs heals”.

NTA. It sounds like there was one grumpy player who didn’t like that you were doing more DPS than them. In Legion heroics, I’d queue as a healer and stay in Feral spec, because there was genuinely no healing to be done. My rotation included a heal, which I would throw onto players who could use it, and I did twice as much damage as the other DPS as a Mythic raider. (This is not an exaggeration, it was quite actually twice as much damage.) I never had complaints, and even sometimes got thanks for it. It would cut the time spent in the dungeon in half.

It all depends on the group you’re with, I suppose. The healer can see how much healing is needed, so you should trust them when they feel comfortable enough to start doing damage.

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In Final Fantasy 14, we would carry you on a throne on our shoulders. We would kiss your feet and beg you to group with us. People would volunteer to fetch your beer, and go into the kitchen to make you a sandwhich. Raid groups would drool ravenously at the sight of you.

Also, I DPS and heal when people’s health are looking good. You did nothing wrong. I hope I get you in one of my groups one day! :slight_smile:


Well, I don’t know about all that but I would be grateful that the run went faster lol.

I don’t mind if healers throw occasional dps BUT not if people’s health bar drop too low while the healer is dpsing. Recently I have had to throw “rescue” heals on my ele shaman cuz the healer was dpsing, that in turn is taking away from my job of dpsing.

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Now, if people died, I’d kick. Seen way too many healers sit there spamming damage as I’m struggling as the tank.
It’s not fun.

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if i were to make a scenario to blame you, i guess it would be that other ppl had to do extra stuff because you healed less. it shows that your healing is sufficient but only because they reacted to it such as either dps running away, using abilities w/e or tanks pulling less or popping ‘unnecessary’ cds w/e.
but nothing wrong with it otherwise, in fact, i would encourage healers to deal dmg when not healing

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That’s definitely not the norm but yeah it could be some kind of gang of people in a voice chat already levelling up miffed about having to use a defensive CD or something.

I do think it’s kinda stupid though, I wouldn’t at-least gotten the dungeon done.

As long as no one is croaking, I wouldn’t care. Anything to blow through old content quickly.

I’m sure there is something you aren’t telling us, as is often the case with these kind of posts. But once I was leveling up a disc priest and got told to stop dpsing and focus on healing.

I love people who have no idea how a spec works telling me what to do.

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