Kick that tank!

Someone posted a topic recently, “Speed Running” , same idea here.
No need to mention Blizzard/WoW DF dev’s usual disregard for, quality content, general “unfair” matching systems, and overall lack of concern for the casual or moderate player. They won’t change unless a bunch of players do something and assign them a harsh lesson.
The game has become so easy and mindless now that almost everyone thinks they are invincible. Especially in dungeons (random and lower level keys) there is often no real roles or just one - the Tank.
Tank toons have become so over-powered that dungeon runs are often speed runs. Some like that so OK.
However that type of tank, the SUPER-tank, who uses dungeons for no other reason than to boost his/her mindless ego makes the whole thing less fun.
I’ve seen many times these ‘skilled’ players making mass pulls, then running halfway through the dungeon which stresses the healer and, by design, denies the other DPS (ranged mainly) from DPSing. All for their own petty, short lived sense of glory.
Since tanking has become so easy - No one is impressed. Also there are a lot of tanks out there so why allow one like this to get his/ her slap jollies? KICK THAT TANK!
Tanks are supposed to control the flow and pace of a dungeon instance, but not at the expense of depriving the others of quests, special looting and FUN etc. Don’t let them - KICK THAT TANK! Another will come along soon. Even a low-level mythic key can be easily found with a team player tank.
Blizzard does nothing about anything. So those players that do want to have fun and enjoy the few things left which makes this game still worthwhile, do something.
One more players that do like to dungeon stomp and speed run go for it, just make it known.
I must say that most casual and moderate players on here are still nice and pleasant. Yet like the Blizzard guys themselves, these vain, ego-tanks will not change unless all you, the players hit them where they feel it.


Skill issue


its not that deep


To add to this, since tanking is so easy (OPs words) consider leveling a tank yourself and running some dungeons that way. Leveling as a tank can be fun. Running dungeons as a tank is fun. Not enough people take the role of tank though. Give it a shot.

But here’s a tip for tanks, healers, and DPS alike: press W

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There’s no point in these threads because blizz already has a solution in the works. Follower dungeons will let you play at whatever pace you want for leveling and low content dungeons. By the end of the year nobody will have to complain about speed running tanks again.

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I am happy we have like what…a 3rd or so active topic on this issue.


If you truly want things to change, then you need to change the mindset of the player base.

Tanks that don’t pull fast enough are harassed by the rest of the party to go go go go

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Again, so glad that Delves are coming out in TWW.

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I hear that if you beat the dead horse enough, you get candy corn. Gross.


On one hand, I love candy corn.


And on the other, are fingers.

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Fingers full of candy corn.


Strange, mine are full of bones, ligaments, and connective tissue.

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I’d go see a doctor about that.

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If the group doesn’t want to play with somebody (for any reason) they can vote kick them in queued content. In premade content the lead is free to replace them, although this means you’ll usually have to find a new key.

Or just ask them nicely if they could slow down a bit? I don’t know.

Yeah, something I don’t think a lot of people realize is that most players enjoy quick clears. I don’t think I’ve ever been whinged at for pulling quickly in LFD content.

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Says the Paladin that could just tank it himself.

Wrong. The difficulty of dungeons has gotten so low that everyone is overpowered.

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Reminds me I forgot to do anything for last month’s trading post so I ran 5 dungeons on the last day and I was soloing them as a priest. Zero complaints from anyone.

There’s no way to prevent that from happening in dungeons meant for fresh 70s without flat out limiting ILVL in said dungeons. The power you gain as you gear up is just too much; you don’t even need a tank spec to just destroy dungeons you vastly outgear.

Yep. :dracthyr_nod: Most people enjoy a quick easy run.

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