Kick that tank!

I feel like all druids are extremely lovable and should get free carries.

It happens in leveling dungeons as well.

Just another bait topic toon, here to drop some chim and disappear

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No doubt, but I still like to point out irony now and then.

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Speed runs, or the boss to boss pulling that the op is describing?

If it’s the latter, then something absolutely went wrong and it should be looked at. I wouldn’t know much about leveling specifically (it’s been a while). I merely saw the op lump in keys with random dungeons and assumed they were referring to max lvl content; my bad if I’m mistaken.

Mommy will not allow me to join a esport team that travels the world so I will cry here and demand all runs are treated like esport just because yeah!

Normal and heroic are scaled to a group that just hit level 70 in 245ish gear.

Normal and heroic also put in a big carrot for fully geared tanks and healers to run them with the bonus bag.

If you know to just stick with the tank and don’t attack until they stop it’s fine. Otherwise it’s not a great experience to learn in which is why they put in follower dungeons. But the one time I ran a follower dungeon I had to leave because the tank was a big slow noob.

I think it’s hilarious that you think it’s EGO and not just sheer efficiency.

The only time I honestly let my ego as a tank get the better of me is when everyone dies with a boss at 20% and I choose to bdk solo him to death.

I know that if everyone is super fast and we wipe and try again we can do it faster…but I can’t guarantee that. What I know for sure is 8 can kill that boss :stuck_out_tongue:

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Kick enough tanks and you’ll soon find yourself unable to find a tank for your group.

If tanks are so OP, play one.

If you don’t want to play one, play follower dungeons, so you can call the shots.

If you don’t want to call the shots and want tanks to appear mortal, run harder content.

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Those follower dungeons are for low levels. Players tire of 0 gains. They’ll eventually enter heroic and mythic looking for more game. Profession patterns, materials, gear, etc.

Because by the time the group realizes what is happening, rallies around the action needed, hunts down the proper menu to start the vote and everyone does the vote, the instance is done and everyone has their XP (which is why they’re there in the first place).

“Next time!” they say.

Had this yesterday when finishing leveling alt #324234235345 was like smh my head slow down ya dang DH

ive played since legion and from my experience this late in the expansion people are just overgeared and can run the content nearly alone…or actually alone. We’re just going along for the ride.

it is kinda funny because NOW theyre geared enough to do it solo…but 6 months ago the healer was likely keeping their cardboard body propped up…and from what ive noticed they dont seem to be able to tell the difference between one and the other, lol.

Lot of times i do see someone saying something about moving fast. Ive seen healers telling the tank to pull more a number of times too.
Just go with the flow. If tanky is pulling and can solo it, dont attack and pull stuff on yourself, just bump draft the run and get free stuff at the end, lol

This behavior isn’t going to change because the mentality of WoW as a whole is ‘rush-rush-rush’. Slow play isn’t tolerated any longer by the rank-and-file, you need to establish and form friend groups if you want to play outside of the accepted meta and norm.

Plus tanks have an insta-queue so kicking them is, at most, a minute-long wait. Meanwhile your group has to search for a tank that is probably going to do the exact same thing with no progress.