Khaz Modan Alliance Reconnections

Maiyu - Holy Paladin until BC then Prot
Myufon - Dwarf Warrior
Rahwl - Human Frost DK (When it was for tanking)
Dawnson - NE Feral Druid
Kurist - NE Fury Warrior

No commitments yet so I’ve created a char on Thalnos. What’s your B-tag?

I’ll be on Fairbanks horde, have a bunch of people playing there. I added you evo ^_^!

Who’s playing on Whitemane?

Feorah! So good to see a familiar name! So many good memories from Oceanic days, healing in the back of the raid and knocking out dailies together! Are you going to be playing Classic?

Hi Feo!! 10

Hey it’s Beoulve! NE Hunter

Seeing all these names!

Hoping into Remulos (Oceanic) as now in OZ.

Was in Fated , then Covenant, Knights of Valhalla, now have some toons resting in Sunder.
Sugarcoated- human -Mage/Apheria NE- priest /Lealia-human warlock
Husband: Elitor/Ragorak/Ragette
So many peeps out there i’d love to reconnect with, does feel like good old days!
Smokybear where are you! :slight_smile:


I was Ravenor, MM hunter in DarkSin, then Covenant, and mained my pally Vow in Soul. Good to see someone else from the guild here!

I was a dwarf paladin named Sillystraw - used to whine about how much leveling a paladin sucked… like ALL the time Im sure i got pretty annoying but i stuck with it and hit 60 and did some light raiding. Switched to horde pretty much as soon as BC launched so I still have him sitting on Khaz at level 60. I honestly dont remember my guild because its been so long but it would be fun to see how some people i used to play with are doing.

Hi All played as a rogue named Ishana and Was Raid Leader in Covenant… Then Moved to Phoenix then Infamous…

Cool seeing some names around here after so long !!!

I remember you guys … Beaf Cake Damn good warrior !!

heya feo miss those days they were great

Wow, a true blast from the past. How are you doing man? Was in Divinely Commissioned and Running With Scissors. Rolled toons on Pagle. Look forward to seeing you.

Loki I remember you. Cereth was a Rogue, Sployt the mage, Gzus the priest. I was same name but a dwarf hunter then.

Also TinyAgfa that had that crazy thick Boston Accent. And Molson.

At work now. Ill add you when i get home. My guild is actually debating rolling over to incendius right now. Hopefully will get a final answer soon

Hey guys! im trying to get into Pagle but the world server is down. add me in game on Justo. dwarf hunter, obvi.

im pretty sure it was Leviathan that i joined and then 3 days later the whole guild imploded. may be wrong, but im pretty sure it was ya’ll.

Looking for old guildies from Honor and Valor. I know it was started in Classic, but I didn’t join until BC when I first started playing. I was Gegnar there, and I try to be Gegnar on whatever server I move to, but I’m a self-proclaimed Altoholic.

Hope I can find some of you guys here!