Khaz Modan Alliance Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Khaz Modan in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!


Justo, Dwarf hunter

previous guilds - divinely commissioned, knights of honor, infamous, running with scissors

would love to reconnect with anyone from way back in the day


Zache, Human Warrior ( AKA: Thopery, Human Rogue )

Don’t remember my Vanilla/BC guilds, wasn’t a part of any known raiding/pvp guilds. Used to run a few 60 twink guilds from WOTLK up until WoD. Classic Raider/ Vanilla Addicts / etc.

Have gotten back in touch with many people and would like to get back in touch with a few more.

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Maximpact, Gnome Mage
Australian Military in vanilla/BC and Made, Oceanic during BC

Bigfella, Human Paladin
Australian Military

Just seein if any old names from back in the day turn up

Edit: I dropped it further down the posts, but Bigfella#1934 is btag


Maxi, probably doesn’t count if we know each other IRL huh?

I’ll throw my hat in the ring though,

Harland, Dwarf Hunter - Australian Military

Rahz, Draenei Shaman - Oceanic


ahahah good to see ya man, What about buddy Boltz? Or has RL taken over for him?

I played Vlambaard, a little dwarf paladin. I was in Vision and Bellus Aeternum. Just looking for anyone who I may have played with back then :slight_smile:


Oops, it was Bellum Aeternus… I’m old, my brain doesn’t work so well.

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Clearstrider - Guild Leader of Authority. Still playing - hit me up Clearstrider#1352.


Geoffanth, Human Mage. Curious if anyone is still around - can’t remember my guild name. But used to play battlegrounds with a gnome rogue named Hence all the time.

Angelace (Human Warrior)-A member of Pain, Death Warriors, and eventual founder and GM of Katastrophe.
Didn’t start playing until tail end of Vanilla. Just looking to reconnect with old friends from my old guilds or make new. I am sure I know some of you from the last 13 years. Angelace#1131. Hit me up.


Butterfly, Night Elf Druid.


Kyrasi - Night Elf Druid - Phoenix

Would love to reconnect with some of the old guildies if any of you are still around! Oykib, Raynmaker, Lightbringer – I’m sure there’s at least 36 other people out there as well whose character names I don’t remember!


Nepriest, NE and Priest
Hoping to connect with some old Leviathan people, Oxlong where you at!? Balla too
Also some of my pvp buddies from TBC Wrath!


Hey! I’m not sure when you were in DW but I was in during LK. :smile:

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Hey! I used to play during LK as “Derre” or some derivation of that name. Guilds were Slayers of Gotham, Death Warriors, The Ruined, Hellions, and probably more.

Fables - NE Druid. Vision later joined Authority


Used to be Anux (I know, don’t say it)

Human Paladin

Was in Sojourn at first. We raided with Octane and Art of War. Eventually Sojourn dissolved and I moved to Art of War for the rest of vanilla and most of TBC.


Secto - Human Lock. pvp mostly
Legion of the light
Authority - BC


Zabuzan aka Zabby, Human Warrior, Was in Dark Ascension for pretty much it’s entirety.
Still playing and around at Lancyth#1424

Terequin, Viticus, Stonebear, Tholar, Hitome, Heyoka, Kellor, Freisy, Wormwrath the whole gang would be good to hear from you.