Khaz Modan Alliance Reconnections

I know Rocco IRL - doubt he’ll be playing again

I was Sarahmaureen - NE Druid, my husband was Beafcake - NE warrior.

We were in Covenant and then Phoenix. I only talk to 1 other old guildie from Phoenix still (besides my husband) and thats Renstar. I’m SMHart#1428

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Lolesethran - female human warrior from Bellum Aeternus. Redeemer was guild master if I recall correctly. Rolling on Herod horde side.


My friends! Yay! These were my BA toons:
~Skew, nelf warrior
~Taerek, nelf hunter
~Turinok, gnome lock

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Varlagentier - Dwarf Hunter - jamesmcc#11664

I was in Soul too at the end!

Justo! It’s Sandrina <3

Sandrina NE Rogue - Divinely Commissioned, Knights of Honor.

I remember a few of your names up there, would love to catch up with some people!

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Leafy!! It’s Evo :slight_smile: Do you remember me?

Evoreborn, Nightelf Hunter
Evolust, Human Warlock
Cürioüs, Human Pally

Was in Veni Vidi Vici and later on created Trïnïty. I think I stopped playing in 2008 and I would love to reconnect w/ friends I used to play WoW religiously w/

@ Iamwizard

Yooooooooooooo Del, I don’t play anymore but I definitely remember you :smiley: it’s Evo

Woah! Feorah! Hey! Do you remember me?

Immortaldmon, Night Elf, Hunter
Can’t remember guild, I think I was in Rage of Fury?
Looking for Serafina


Doooooooooopieeeeeeeeeeeee!!! o:

Dwinter - Dwarf Hunter

Was just a kid at the time so I don’t remember the guild but I remember the members being awesome people. Figured I’d give it a try :slight_smile:

OMG Divinely Commissioned!!! That was my first guild!!! Justo you sound familiar! The one name I remember is Cerath(Cereth?). Does that ring any bells for you all? My name back then was Lokithegodof. I was the idiot warlock who melee’d for the first 19 levels in vanilla lol

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I totally remember that guild!

Bro add me my B-tag is Evo#1615

Brushie Warlock , Sugo War , Belly Mage , though belly is taken , playing on Pagle most likely. Give me a shout if you know.
Disposable Heroes

Yessss! Evo! and Doop! If y’all haven’t committed to a server yet, I’ll be on thalnos with my cousin and his friends. Figured I’d give a pvp server a try this go around.