Khadgar missing in Dornogal

Cannot start the fate of Kirin Tor quest as Khadgar has disappeared. His wheelchair with the time was there yesterday, after reset he’s gone. The Quest marker appears on my map as well as the "Continue the campaign by accepting the quest “Survivors Guilt” in dornogal message.


Wife has the same issue. Did notice she has a war within chain she started and never finished. News from below. Going to complete that and see what happens.

Well that did not work. Take that back, there was another war within campaign one to finish after, once she done them all khadgar turned back up again

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Same. I can see the quest and Khadgar on my main, but I cannot see the quest or Khadgar on my alt.

Alleria is there. And the chair next to where Khadgar should be is glowing like he is there.

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Same. I see the quest icon in the area that’s labeled “Survivor’s Guilt” but no Khadgar

Same. Quest appearing on map but Khadgar is no where to be seen. I checked high and low and even discovered some rooms inside the building that I didn’t know previously existed. He is no where to be found.

I have the same issue on my alt. She has not completed the campaign yet either. I think that is the blocking factor as… Well Spoilers? Khadgar aint out the gem.

Same not there on any characters who completed entire campaign.

I’m on an alt which is now my main and the quest shows up on the map but he’s not there when i go in.

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Make sure you all have completed Lingering Shadows, an achievement under Quests/War Within on at least one character.

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I have completed Lingering Shadows however Khadgar is still not in his wheel chair next to Alleria.

He is only there on the Toon that Completed the Max Level Campaign.

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Finished that on 12/24/24 still no Dadgar. He has abandoned me like my real Dad. Probably needed some ice and a pack of smokes…


Also do not see Khadgar, quest marker appears on map. completed the storyline quests up to this point as well.

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I tried reloading, logging out then back in, Warmode, swapping toons, exiting the city and coming back in. still nada.

completed it on several including the ones he’s not showing up on.

Any solution to the problem? It happened the exact same to me

Also happening for me. I have the lingering shadows achievement and have the prompt in my quest log to pick up the quest but Khadgar does not appear where the quest marker is.

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Exact same for me. Shows up on the quest log, can’t start it because he’s not there. On my former main he’s there, but doesn’t offer the quest.

I have checked every character I have. Those that did the alt skip, those that didn’t. Those that completed every step of the campaign and those that haven’t. Khadgar is in none of them. One day Blizz will stop rushing stuff and we might get something that works.


I completed the “Lingering Shadows” quest, but on the same character that finished it, I cannot see Khadgar. However, like others have reported, I can see the quest icon on the mini-map.


I may have found a work around. On a character that had done all the recent quests, but not the first post leveling campaign quests, I went back and did everything. Khadgar still didn’t appear but then I logged onto a character where he was there but wasn’t giving the quest. I then logged back to the previous character and he phased in. I don’t know why he suddenly appeared when other characters have done every quest before but I’ll take it. Janky quest.