Khadgar Missing in Dalaran

Yep can’t start the Suramar quests from Khadgar still cause he isn’t there so i can’t finish my Paladin class hall campaign for the mounts sigh blizzard please just do something please…


Put in a ticket last week, got a response saying that once TWW launches he should be back at the citadel. Just checked and hes not there, can see the quest on the map. Hopefully this gets fixed soon, cant finish class hall mount quest without him…


Does anyone who didn’t buy TWW also have this problem? Or is it just a TWW thing? I haven’t bought the expansion and I can see him, that’s why I’m asking.

you have to do enough of the TWW quests to move dalaran, assuming the whole cinematic. after I did all that, khadgar was back in legion/df dalaran and had the legion quest turn-in quest marker.

Not true for everyone, there is a bug and those who have finished this are still not seeing Khadgar.


I, too, am having this issue. I’ve completed all of the TWW intro quests but Khadgar is still missing from Violet Citadel. I can’t start the Suramar questline, or do any of the quests that requires Khadgar being there. He’s missing on all of my level 70s, but my sub70s can see him. So I’m thinking its a phasing bug with the TWW intro quest (where you hit the wards with the wand).


i am not talking about the silithus intro quest, but the quest that brings you to the new lands.



after dalaran teleports and is destroyed, I was able to use my legion dalaran hearthstone and go back to legion dal and khadgar was “fixed”

Yeah. I did all that. I’m well into Khaz’Algar on all of my 70s. Khadgar is phased out for all of them. But he’s there on my sub70s.

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ok. well then my “fix” isn’t yours.

I have been doing the “balance of power” quest for my druid appearances. so many of the individual steps have a whole series of sub-steps and side story lines. some of them hid NPCs and some of them recovered them.

and of course that is all legion-based dalaran and now there is DF dal and some kind of residual TWW dal. the phasing is very frustrating.

anyway was just sharing what fixed what I was experiencing.

I am having the same problem with trying to find Khadgar. I’ve done every quest in Legion I could, including the introduction and all of my class hall up to getting your title. I’ve also done TWW intro and pretty much everything else I could think of. I’m playing on a character I leveled during the Remix event.

On the map I am able to see the quests “Khadgar’s Discovery” and “A Falling Star” but the NPC is not there to interact with.
The ticket responses I received are AI generated for sure. They also indicated that this had been hotfixed but clearly tons of people are still having an issue. Hoping they address this one soon, it’s super frustrating to be gated out of so many quests and achievements. I just want the pretty feral forms :frowning:


Still have the same issue. Very frustrating

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I love how they say its hotfixxed when its clearly not I am so over blizzard not caring for there past content …


put a ticket in today because i wasnt able to turn in the quest for luminous pearl and the response was either lazy or AI. basically they said they dont give hints or restore items due to bug.


Support was pretty useless when I spoke to them, they just kept directing me to Wowhead and gaslighting me into believing that I’m doing something wrong. They eventually just told me to come here and post a bug report, so here I am adding to this.


Blizzard, I have four characters that started life as timerunners. Khadgar is missing from the Violet Citadel for all of them. They are all stuck at needing to complete 10 world quests for their class hall questline. None of them can pick up ‘Uniting the Isles’ to unlock the world quests. This also means that they cannot unlock Broken Shore or Argus. This needs to be fixed.


I’m having the same issue, I have also completed all of the advised quests but he is not there for me.

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Khadgar still missing for me, so cant turn in a quest to get 2nd artifact or Luminous Pearl

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Same here well said

Same for me. I’m unable to get “Uniting the Isles” because Khadgar is not there on any of my characters. However, I was able to complete the quest for doing 10 world quests by doing world quests in Khaz Algar. Still can’t progress to the Broken Shore though because Khadgar is nowhere to be found.

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Same! Except I cannot even ACCEPT any quests from him. Did everything forums and Wowhead suggest to fix, nothing has worked. The blue post saying it was fixed upon release of the expansion was not applicable to us I guess :c