Khadgar Alliance Reconnections

I remember you!

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Hey its Ratrod/Thoughtcrime i was in Ruby Thebrethren as well as leaders of the pack.!!!

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POE !!! yes!!! This is Ratrod how yall been

Would have been Jordan or Jordyn a human mage.

Last guild I remember being in was Concordis which was lead by Khons who was with Scion for a bit if I remember right.

Any of the old pvpers who did bgs non stop. I finished at Knight Captain but saw many a face hit r14.

Hey Mizu… I remember you… The Fellowship was a fun guild!

Hello Khadgar!

Rose of Sharon
Bones Crew
Couple other guilds I can’t remember…

I apologize for anything I did when I was 10!

Good luck in classic everyone!

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Bathomula - Warlock. Rapture/Heroes of TFK/TFK/Ritual Suicide/RS Exiles

Hoping to see some old names! I already see a bunch!

Looking for some of the old crew in Audigy and TCC. Not sure If I am going Horde or Alliance yet and I do remember you Medvanis, Donegal, Ramala, LadyofShades, and that gnome warrior name escapes me at the moment was a couple of hunters as well. Sure there names will come back to me.

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Dude I remember you, I even still have a screenshot of you outside of the entrance to AB. I was Ameryl, a human mage who grinded with you guys for a few months until I hit Commander.

Ratrod, you may have been in ruby the same time as me

Farod, Gnome Warrior here. Used to be in Big Booty Pirates and I think maybe TheBrethren? Honestly can’t remember so well. I used to off-tank some MC behind another warrior, maybe got to around Vael in BWL.

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My first guild was The Cutting Crew. The GM was Atru, NE Prot Warrior.

This was my original Human Mage.

Our hunter Kyodaiken, our Priest Ladyofshades, and myself are in a new Classic WoW Guild called The Marshal Plan. If anyone else from TCC is around get in touch with me for Classic!

Hey man I’m in a Guild with Kyo and Ladyofshades right now. Hit me up on Discord -Veskr#6541

Yoo Squall long time! TCC unite! My discord is Veskr#6541

Yoo Veskr, Kyodaiken, and Ladyofshades here! HMU on Discord -Veskr#6541

I tried adding some of you on discord but the user names were not found.

Has anyone heard from Atru or BKP?

Veskr have not seen or heard anything from Atru or BKP Medvanis posted that they are forming a Horde guild. Sent you a friend quest tried to find your discord but it did not come up. Navi, Watch, Ram and Donegal say hi.

Hey Des i was in the Rose of Sharon too for quite a while on my Warlock Deadhand (if my memory serve me right) while we were in MC still haha

Were you by any chance in a guild with Ocirus, Beowulfneo, moonpixie and a few other i can’t remember their name? (I used to have a friendly french night elf warrior named Threats or Treath (can’t remember thus my question haha) that i used to play with a lot haha if not disregard that comment :wink:

I remember you, Mizu.
We were in Shadowsaber - my first ever guild in Jan '05 - we joined The Fellowship to raid sometime early that summer.

Alexh, Night Elf, Warrior
The guilds I can remember are The keepers and Solstice
People i can recall
Drayvan and Cindyll