Your youtube videos are still up lmao
Hey Remus!
Rey and the Scion peeps! Thanks for always pushing us to compete harder.
Perotistal UD Mage of < Remnant >
I think it was the Scion BG premade that would have flag carry keep a set of fire resist gear to prevent the one shots of Namael and me around AQ40 times.
The Scion one’s are Carac’s, but I was happy to upload them when YouTube became a thing, lol
I’ve heard some people have been looking for me. I’m still on Khadgar, still guild leader of Knights of the Cow King, still raiding and progressing. I won’t be playing classic since I played the crap out of it already, but you can always find me on retail.
- Diosa
Hey Squall this is Tarthol from TCC.
We’re playing horde on Mankrik.
Doctorquinn, Medvanis, Tarthol, Strel, Sarduh, many others…
Tarthol here, from TCC a long time ago. Several of us are going to be on Mankrik, Black Dogs guild
Heya! This is Medvanis. We are getting the gang back together on the Mankrik server. Horde for a change. We have about 20 peeps so far in the BlackDogs guild. You are more than welcome to join us, Willaul and Tautochrome you too
Hello fellow Khadgar players!
This is the character I used to use, Kadaji. Warrior for all of Vanilla and most of TBC! I started playing a DK by the name of Abrix back in Wrath. I’m trying to remember my former guilds. I remember a few players. Tsarskoe ( I still have a letter from you from when you quit!) Crowswings, I… think I remember sensafyne but I could be absolutely wrong. Maybe… Livetorock? You out there dude?
Divine Aura was one of the guilds I was in. Guild master… Magistrix? Man I miss you guys.
Played as a Human Paladin, Racerover, back in the day. Was in The Brethren for a short time then with Bones Crew… now with Sauce on the horde side raiding EP currently. Definitely skipping classic but fun to see some old names here.
Hey Khadgar, been a long time since i’ve stepped foot here. Damn, Phungus I remember you and the jokes of your phungus among us while raiding in Audigy. I’m Krulen the holy dwarven paladin that was a part of Audigy and their sister guild Geist Ex Machina. I’m IRL family friends with the guilds masters Dongal (Audigy) and Cynner (Geist Ex Machina) they mained Priest and Hunter respectively for raiding, and hell i’d love to keep in touch with you all. We used to have a blast getting up to all sorts of shenanigans for the pure sake of sh*ts and giggles
Discord is Grommsh#3527 if anyone is still out there. Rolling back to my main in classic the Troll Shaman this time on Fairbanks with a crew of 25-30 strong all raid capable, well for the most part lol.
Hey Khadgar. I’ve been with you since 2004. Khadgar was and is my character’s home. I played a Druid Named AeroZeppelin. I was an overhealing resto druid NE. Played in the Choos Guild first and then moved to guilds such as The Brethren and The Chosen. Would love to see some old faces.
Don’t mind me, I’m just looking for people who were in Madseasonshow’s Vanilla Guild.
Guilds: ZOD - Rise of Phoenix
Anyone remember me?
I had an old friend named Kensai I wish I could find again.
No sorry. Always been Shael.
I think I remember your name. I remember seeing the guild ZOD around, but never joined them.
Hey folks, on Khadgar I was Kegbane, a dwarf paladin who raided with Undenying Gods and Legacy of Honor.
I’m interested in forming a guild with any of the old Khadgar raiders or just reconnecting with friends.
I was in a small guild while leveling - New Order
then when the guild fell apart some of us migrated to Order of Eagles.
Then moved to Trollbane with the free toon transfer when my brother started playing.
NE hunter - Daddy
Dwarf Pally - Malletfinger
During Vanilla, I played a NE Druid named Mizu.
I recall being in the following guilds:
- Shadowsaber
- The Fellowship
- Fibonacci Sequence
I remember a few folks…
- Illelusive (rogue)
- Circe (mage)
- Slade (paladin)
- Bungus (druid)
- Whisperwin (druid)
- Person (mage)
Others of course but I can’t recall all the names!