I played in a number of guilds in Vanilla on this server. My first 60 was named “frankster” , a warrior. I played a priest “cinnz”-“sins” or some variation of that name.
I met a lot of different peeps I liked playing with. I was in a few different guilds on this server but never really got too into until towards the end of vanilla before BC hit and then I left the server.
I raided in a few guilds on this server- Phoenix, scion, rebirth, Vanguards and prob more that I can’t recall.
Poe and Cheline yes sir
I never hit 60 but my mom and step-dad played. Their names were Lorimar a human pally and Johenasee or something like that, night elf hunter. My name was Kijowski also a human pally and my dwarf warrior Mkmatt. My mom also had a priest named Mandra or Sonet.
Hi I used to play a Paladin name Lifetaker back in vanilla on Khadgar with my parents and siblings there characters were Grar, Ladykyliesia and Moonheart we all ran a guild with some people we played with called Darkend Realm and i’m looking to reconnect with them my battle net tag is Abnes#11205
I think I was in the guild THe Moonlit Knights with you, Coralea, and Alexyss.
I played a paladin named either Vigi, Dresden, or Osmera.
If you or any other Moonlit Knights see this add me through my battle tag I’d.
Battletag: Dresden#1636
Holy moly do I recognize a lot of you.
I’m an old NE druid main Ivus who I did a lot of PvP with as part of one of the ally GM teams, though some might remember me as a NE Hunter Linksshadow.
I can’t even begin going through all the guilds I played with, there’s so many, some of which I raided or pvp’d with even though I was never actually a member because I knew so many of you.
I hope you’re all doing well, I’m playing pretty casually as a Troll Hunter named Gnolljhin on the Pagle server now. I see some of you play there so perhaps we can connect again after all these years.
Alazzar, Gnome Mage
Exodus, Fusion, WE FAIL AT PVE, Concordis
Names I remember off the top of my head: Dagothur, Rules, Inhaber, Sarutobi, Drandy, Kyy, Nibblezorz, Malzius, Diosa, Peaceman, Maishire, Jomad, Ciez, plus a bunch of people I remember playing with but don’t remember the character names of
Hey Solomon. Medvanis here. MedV#0470 on Discord. Hope you are enjoying Classic. We are on the Mankrik server in the BlackDogs guild.
Hey Veskr! A lot of the old crew (GTR, Vendrick, Zeroizer, Strel, Surma, Tarthol, DocQ) are on the Mankrik server in the BlackDogs guild. It would be great to see you, Kyo, and Lady again
Hey man! A lot of us have regrouped on the Mankrik server, BlackDogs guild. MedV#0470. Shoot me a tell
Looking for Lucyfir/Bishibosh from undenying gods!! Where you at?? We’re on incendius
Galthor…Destructiond…buddies from TheAlliancesElite…hope life has been kind to you and that you made it back for classic. This is your favorite Gnome Mage, Yuppie; Playing alliance on Rattlegore if you see this, come say hi!
I was Ocirus - Human Male Rogue - GM of Vanguards and Phoenix. Any old Phoenix or Vanguards members playing classic or even retail? HMU!
I remember your name for sure… We have a guild on Khadgar ran by Bathomula called Conquest, Not super active but on raid nights.
Is he still around?
Ocirus hit me up on bnet JoK3R#11143 and dunno if you remember Shrilanka that was my toon
Will do! Yea your name def rings a bell!
Is who still around?
Navixo, Night Elf Rogue
Officer of Scion
I see a lot of familiar names in this thread already, many I already stay in touch with, but others I haven’t seen in some time! Always looking to chat with old friends, would sure be nice to do some kind of a in-game reunion. I will never forget our out of game get together and the first time experience with bagged milk!
BBP was my first Guild. I still have fond memories of those days. I was Toejammer the Rogue and then Toenailer the Priest. Currently playing TBC Classic as Toeboggan on the Westfall server.