Khadgar Alliance Reconnections

I played Sathanas, gnome mage. I helped found Knights of the Cow King with a couple RL friends. I definately remember Skillet above! In fact I have a screenshot with you in it.

Speaking of, I found as many old Khadgar screenshots as I could on my backup drive. Lots of Cow King people, but a lot of others from the server as well. World PvP shots, general idiocy, and screenshots of the first MCRA attempt.


imgur. com/a/Bn9y1Op

Remove the space because oh no we can’t post links.

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Human Paladin - Hayte - From launch til today :). Spent most of my Guild time on Ruby and Scion briefly.

Haha I remember running through empty Hyjal and jumping off the edge into Felwood. I have a vid of that somewhere still. Good times! Glad to see you’re still around!

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Looking for my old French connection. Grand and Tonkass, you out there?



Crazy to see all of these old names on here


  • Deathelf/Naieromes (NE Druid)
  • Buckeye (NE Warrior)

TLG, Archaic, Sin and lots more.

Hey Ameryl,

I was a rev member, Maximuslee/advocate here…

Was Khadgar 2004-2007.

Character Names: Maximuslee - Druid
Advocate - Prot Warrior
Guild: Reverence - Aussie Guild

Hit me up.

I was a Night Elf Hunter named Sorrowful. I like long walks on the beach and Italian food.

Hey all… been awhile… raided with Legacy of Honor back in vanilla… good times…

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Treath was his name, originally it was Tonkass, but blizzard made the name change.

Aww yeah! I remember them! I hope thy’re doing well! :slight_smile:

Had a rogue named Taytor and lock named Rajo in SOAR

Hey guys been a while. My main in vanilla was Belerophon human warrior. Major guilds i was in were Neverdawn and RS Exiles raided with both as a tank. Duing Wrath i mained a human mage belero and raided with Enrage Timer.

If anyone is interested me and another friend from that time are starting a guild on Westfall alliance. Time to relive the good ole days! Bnet name is vargas#1821

I played Danuin (This toon), Danuen (holy priest), and Cynas (nelf hunter). Was in The High COuncil of Khadgar. If there are any of you out here…danuin#1350

What’s up Danuin! I think I might remember you…

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Might make more sense if I reply with this avatar.

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I remember you from Ruby, whats up man

OMG! Gusted! I haven’t seen you in forever, this is Rolin, night elf hunter.

Hey Marty, I remember hanging out on raids and we would see who could do the most damage with kicking.

Jarik here. Raided with Legacy of Honor for most of my time in Classic. Can’t really remember who I raided with before that, but the name Prelude is ringing a bell. Switched to Horde in BC as a Rogue. Currently playing classic as Vetro, human rogue, on Ashkandi.