Keycloning software clarification

I do feel a bit paranoid about it to be honest. What is implied is not exactly clear on what is or isnt okay. I understand the stop to multiboxing; thats a non issue for me. I stream wow so I have a lot of custom things setup in the way of macros - while this is hardware its all technically controlled via software - thats what makes me paranoid.

Is it really that hard to separate multiboxing from botting?

Cheap mats aren’t a good thing. It means they have little value.

Weird. It’s like for the better part of a decade mat prices weren’t dictated by multiboxers.
Now nodes are multitap and the multiboxing cash cow is under scrutiny, they’re suddenly WoW Jesus and we should all be happy they exist.
People buying mats in bulk for raids are selling raid spots for 500k-1m gold. They don’t need YOU

“Have fun getting banned, Multi boxers are being banned i’m so happy, I hope you get banned, You must be doing some amazing gymnastics, This is all an Agenda, I hope you get banned” literally you over multiple threads.

It has been common place with isboxer since BURNING CRUSADE the average person has had access to it, It was no longer limited to people with money to buy what was expensive back then, KVM replicators, Now KVM replicators cost 20 bucks and 1 dollar for postage wich is almost the same as an isboxer license except you dont have to keep renewing it so it’s actually cheaper.

Blizzard isn’t against multiboxers why is this so hard to understand? You keep going around saying it’s something blizzards going to ban and that we have an agenda but the fact is

IF BLIZZARD WANTED IT GONE the support page wouldn’t exist and they would just say “NO MULTIBOXING” much like FFXIV says “NO DPS METERS” not, “no dps meters sort of here is a perfectly open rule that lets you use them”

It would just end at “NO”

You consistantly fail to understand that even after this slight change it is still VERY much available to everyone.

There is no agenda here only your hatred.

They are a good thing, It means out of the 20 hours i play a week, zero of it is spent farming and all 20 of it is spent doing things i enjoy doing (Hint not farming)

Expensive mats means i spend 3-6 hours doing things i enjoy doing and 10+ Hours doing things i do NOT enjoy doing so i can have the materials to afford doing the 3-6 hours of things i enjoy doing.

how about you use your brain. you really think blizzard is going to alientate a portion of their so called innocent player base because of bots? no, in blizzards eye its 2 birds with 1 stone. you think blizzard isnt tired of the multibotters who farm gold cap or hyper farm some area or ruin the economy? you really think this has nothing to do with the influx of multibotters because of the removal of brutosaur? no they are targeting this unhealthy bs as a whole. its a win win for them.

You think Multiboxers farm gold cap fast? Mate, Let me introduce you to the person who single handedly used 300k of farmed gold and turned it into 5 MILLION over a week and a half using nothing more than a spread sheet and some tailoring bags.

You think hyperfarmers are multiboxers? most of the hyper farming groups is legitimatly 8 people in a 2x4 situation , Multiboxing does not allow you to easy chain target MULTIPLE DIFFERENT THINGS with DIFFERANT characters which is what 2x4 hyperfarming needs, Because everything is following your primary command.

And if you think blizzard cares about one person tapping a node 10 times? Removing Isboxer doesn’t stop that at all, It just means it’ll take 3 seconds or a set of erasers on a touch screen to do it instead of 1 second, all of those things aren’t changed.

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I am using my brain, i know the difference of things. I dont call item X for Y like some other people who even cant refer to correct terms.

this is pure delusion. legitimate 8 people? LOL and no one cares about how you made gold legitimately. ITS NOT THE POINT. others do it unfairly, and guess what blizzard deemed it such a burden that they banned the program out right. get over it, you are now seen as negative to the community.

But on the other hand, if the goal is to eliminate all methods of key command mirroring (hardware or otherwise), Warden isn’t necessary because that’s easy to detect serverside (there’s no way to mask an army of characters at roughly the same coodinates all moving identically and doing the same things). Warden is only useful if it’s Blizzard’s intention to target specific methods.

apparently you dont. because the program is banned because botting and multibotters are roughly the same thing in blizzards eyes. i know youre sad because your career is over, but deal with it.

True, but as Wildsinger mentioned earlier, it seems like Blizzard do want people to be able to Multibox, they just want to ban the software used by botters. But that might change as well in the future.

Go into group finder, You’ll find plenty of 2x4 farming groups for insert X/Y thing, Welcome to hyperfarming it’s a known thing, It’s a constant thing, It’s been around since before BFA.

Blizzard did not ban multiboxing they banned isboxer and autohotkey, Blizzard has an entire team of lawyers and knows how to close every possible loophole, This was left open for a VERY SPECIFIC reason, The reason being that bots are starting to use that aswell.

But not because multiboxing is so bad, But because people dont want to pay for 8 bot licenses so they pay for one license thus saving them a massive cost, And then having that bots output mirrored.

Makes it a hell of a lot easier to use a BLANKET method of banning bad users if you remove the innocents from the equation, Aka the boxers, If we were just as bad as the botters, Blizzard would just say


Botting botting botting botting. The record is so broken…

We are talking about multiBOXING here, it’s a totally different thing.

this is not hyper farming. hyper farming is going to the entrance of drustvar and seeing 20 groups of nerd druids and monks that stand on top of each other blocking new players from doing quests. whatever you just described is not even related to what people are complaining about.

You two still going at it huh

in blizzards eyes multibotting is the same thing. cya!

except it isn’t… they literally would of banned hardware interfaces and said “NO BOXING” if it was…

Obivously not or they would have banned multiboxing and skipped input broadcasting software