Keycloning software clarification

You are in denial.

The fastest and easiest way to detect many cases would be based on party or raid membership.

I think it is a gigantic mistake blizzard often makes to base an entire program on “outliers”. They end up making changes that will somewhat affect outliers while having a big negative effect on players who really had nothing to do with the concern.

It’s Not a loop hole, a loop hole would be us finding a way to get around a MULTIBOXING BAN without detection

They havn’t banned multiboxing just software broadcasters because you can if you WANT tie bots into a software broadcast and multibot. which is just botting with extra steps and not actually what we do.

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Expect that is not what occurs on a virtual machine. All it is is a temp version of a computer, it acts just like any other computer. It doesn’t mirror key commands from the host, for that you would need software which is what the new rule is for. So provided you don’t do that, Blizzard won’t give a damn if you are running VMs or not. Not that you need to because you can already run several instances of the game on your PC just fine.

I’m not in denial. I just tells you how things works. The one who’s in denial is you who refuse to accept how tech works just because it interferes with your agenda.

I’m going to lean that maybe you need to do some homework too. Start with a quick search of PutUSBScanCodes(), this is specific to vsphere vms, but there are other articles out there for linux vm hosting and other systems. Replicating key input via a VM host API to the VM guest is common. There are software suites that would run on the VM host system that can pass to the VM guests via an API in the VM engine.

Virtual machines make it easier to use a hardware multiplexer than Running multiple instances inside the same operating system however.

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When 10 druids descend on a herb, how many mouseclicks are required for all 10 druids to harvest the herb?

I’m going to learn on you needing some homework to do fam, You pass through the USB ports from the KVM to each VM respectively, There is no software interface happening.

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You may need to look up the difference between “common” and “required”. You run a VM without echoing commands.

And I’m telling you how exploits have been handled in the past. You can believe you are immune and that blizzard wants you to play that way. But if they continue to see it as a problem, they will take action.

As I’ve said previously, I’ve known plenty of people who told themselves they were playing the game as intended while others were saying that what they were doing was clearly an exploit. It happens.

This very clearly falls under boxers trying to win on semantics instead of the actual spirit of the law.

Boxers just need to get over it…their days of controlling X toons with 1 keystroke are over. If you want to play 5 toons, push 5 buttons manually on 5 different instances.

Trying to pull a sneaky on Blizzard by coming up with some convoluted hardware schema “fix” isn’t going to actually work. At worst, Blizzard simply has to broaden their stance to say any perceived means of duplicating a keystroke via hardware or software is prohibited.

I swear these types must be lawyers IRL or something…nitpicking over terminology down the smallest detail to try and find any kind of loophole to exploit.


You realize we aren’t pulling a sneaky at all, Blizzard has REPEATEDLY said multi boxing isn’t banned, You know that right?



Nobody’s talking about banning multiboxing. What they’re talking about is whether blizzard only meant to ban keystroke replicating software, or actually intended that hardware type solutions will be fine.

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I never said multi boxing itself is banned or wrong. Multi box all you want…just make sure you are pressing buttons multiple times on each instance. If you play 5 toons, there should be 5 different and distinct button presses made by you at different intervals to play your multiple toons properly.

Well guess what blizzard doesn’t agree with your wants, If they did they would ban Multiboxing itself, Not just software broadcasters, Multi boxing started as hardware multi cast, And the high end users only ever bothered with hardware multicast.

This is still replication and can be seen. I’m guessing no matter how I approach it we will still be back to the same argument. Point being, stop farming herbs en mass with multiple accounts unless you plan on clicking on the herb manually within each wow game instance. If you use ANY mechanism to replicate actions on more than one account I suspect blizz is going to come back to this rule, warn you, then ban you. How you do it isn’t the trigger. What they see you doing is.

Replication Via hardware is not against the rules. Replication via software is, We are not breaking the rules they wont be banning us.

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Whatever you say. Let’s just wait and see how this all hashes out. I bet you’re gonna find my expectation and way is more right and in the spirit of the change Blizzard is pushing for than them simply expecting a hardware-centric solution over a software-centric one.

Edit - Again we’re talking the semantics of the rules vs the spirit of the rules. Blizzard wants boxers to actively be playing all toons via separate and distinct commands.

If they were interested in ending multiboxing they would say multiboxing is banned and end it there, They are only ditching software broadcasters because a lot of people who use bots have taken to also using the same software as us.

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If this is what they wanted to prevent, this change will fail to impact that. I can verify it’s really easy to pick herbs with a group that is on /follow but not doing keycloning.