Keybinding shift+num pad help

/cast [@arena2,mod:shift,exists][@focus,mod:shift][@arena3,mod:ctrl,exists][@mouseover,mod:ctrl][@arena1,exists][] Counter Shot

I am trying to keybind a lot of my cc’s to num pad 7-12 with macros like these. Macros that will have situations for in and out of arenas. The problem is is that when you input shift+numpad it will output home, page up, etc. Is there a way to get what I am trying to do all into one macro.

For example the macro above I am trying to keybind to num pad 7. Ctrl+ numpad will work but shift+ numpad7 won’t. Double binding it to home won’t work either.

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  1. Shift and NumPad keys simply do not play well together. Pick a different modifier and you’ll be fine. Shift+NumPad7 is Home but not Shift+Home (just Home), for example. Shift+NumPad5 is null output. It’s a terrible idea to even try doing anything with the shift key and the NumPad.
  2. There is no numpad 10, 11, or 12. Your choices are NumPad0-NumPad9, NumPadDivide, NumPadMultiply, NumPadMinus, NumPadPlus, and NumPadDecimal.
  3. If you’re going to bind to your NumPad (I do), make a shim to fit under the NumLock and NumPadEnter keys so you don’t a) accidentally disable the NumPad functionality and b) don’t accidentally start throwing your combat actions into chat.

Alt and Ctrl keys can be differentiated as left and right variants of each.

lalt, ralt, lctrl, rctrl are all separate keys and work in the mod: conditionals.

WIth those four you don’t give up much switching from SHIFT to one or both of those.

I have small hands and can’t reach some of those buttons. using my pinky for shift and lctrl seem to be the only good ones to keep your character moving wihtout moving my left hand. Is there no way to keybind these? I have a razer naga mouse so im guessing 10, 11, 12 are 0, -, =?

I dislike Razer products because they’re sometimes not as flexible as others, but if it were me, I’d look at what it takes to remap the button values to something else.

I have my G600MMO mapped to 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,-,= (the top row keys).

If you do THAT, you won’t be in any trouble using the shift modifier.

But no, you can’t do a thing about Shift+NumPad to make it work better because it’s a driver-level “feature”.

It MIGHT be possible to set a key value on that mouse to BE Alt or Ctrl.

I use the joystick on my G13 for that.

Thumb IN (like, towards my palm) is Ctrl. Thumb OUT is Alt. I never use the Shift modifier so I don’t have it mapped.

I use Num-, Num+, and Num* on my Naga because they’re unaffected by shift.

Correct. NumPadDivide, NumPadMultiply, NumPadMinus, and NumPadPlus are the exceptions there.

I actually did what I was trying to do by remapping the buttons on my razer naga mouse. I forgot razer has an app that lets you remap the buttons on your mouse. Instead of numpad7 being mapped to the 7 on my mouse its remapped to HOME. Just thought I’d share.

Now I have a problem making one of these macros now lol.

/cast [@arena2,mod:shift,exists][@focus,mod:shift][@arena3,mod:ctrl,exists][@mouseover,mod:ctrl][@arena1,exists][] Counter Shot

I am trying to make a macro like this for my friendly target spells: a macro that will work for arenas but when I am out of arenas it will target my targ, focus, and mouseover. I don’t exactly remember what the target modifier to target your teammates but I think it was team1, team2, team3 or something like that. Is there a separate target modifier that targets your arena team members 1,2,3? It seems as though this macro will not do what I want if I run into a battleground, not arena. Also now that I think about it are the target modifiers arena1, 2, 3 targeting the enemy arenas players?

Teammates are “party1”, “party2”, “party3”, etc.

If you’re in a raid, then raid members in your party (your local group) can be addressed the same way but raid members not in your party are “raid1”, “raid2”, “raid3”, etc.

Battlegrounds are always raids as far as I know.

So in battlegrounds, raid1, raid2, raid3, etc.

That’s a LOT of possibilities (up to 40, not counting pets).

Do your best to outline what you want - either in if/then/else or as bullet points in priority order and I’ll put together what I can.

so in arenas I want my macro to prioritize my arena team members 1, 2, 3. These are friendly spells btw. But if I am not in arenas and in a battleground or whatever I want the macro to target my target, focus, and mosueover. I don’t know too much about computer science so I couldn’t express what I am trying to do as code sorry.

/cast [@raid6,exists]; this is where you put your arena condition sets
/cast this is where you put your non-arena sets

Basically if there’s a 6th person in the group then don’t execute the first line.

[@raid6,exists] = fifteen characters
[group:raid] = thirteen characters

#showtooltip Master’s Call(Cunning Ability)

/cast [@raid6,exists]
[@party2,mod:shift,exists][@party3,mod:ctrl,exist][@arena1,exists][] Master’s Call(Cunning Ability)

[@focus,mod:shift][@mouseover,mod:ctrl][]Master’s Call(Cunning Ability)

I tried to do it myself and it’s not working. Would you mind copy and pasting the code for this?

You forgot the ; after the first condition set.

/cast [@raid6,exists]; [@party2,mod:shift,help][@party3,mod:ctrl,help][@arena1,exists][] Master’s Call(Cunning Ability)
/cast [@focus,mod:shift][@mouseover,mod:ctrl][] Master’s Call(Cunning Ability)

it’s not really working. It’s saying

[@focus,mod:shift][@mouseover,mod:ctrl][]Master’s Call(Cunning Ability)

Fixed the formatting in my previous post; what I get for editing on mobile.

still not working :frowning: . only difference now is that it’s not saying the macro.

Lemme just log on my damn hunter…

any luck with the macro?

I’ve been waiting to respond until I got some systematic explanation of what you want, but that doesn’t seem to be forthcoming.

From what I see, this is what you’ve asked for (expressed in verbose, but plain English - no code or computer science needed - just disciplined writing):

  1. If I have an arena1 unit then cast Master’s Call on it.
  2. If I haven’t yet cast Master’s Call this button-press and I have an arena2 unit then cast Master’s Call on it.
  3. If I haven’t yet cast Master’s Call this button-press and I have an arena3 unit then cast Master’s Call on it.
  4. If I haven’t yet cast Master’s Call this button-press and I have the shift key held down and I have a helpable focus unit then cast Master’s Call on it.
  5. If I haven’t yet cast Master’s Call this button-press and I have the control key held down and I have a helpable mouseover unit then cast Master’s Call on it.
  6. If I haven’t yet cast Master’s Call this button-press then cast Master’s Call using the default behavior.

It’s likely I’ve got this wrong, but it’s been days and I thought I should give you something. Unfortunately, my mind-reading abilities aren’t working. I’m going to have to make do with what little you provided.

To get this right, I need to know what you want to do and in what priority should it happen, not in broad “do what I mean” strokes - in detail. I gleaned that priority list from what you’ve provided so far, but as I said, it’s likely not what you really mean.

You are never going to be happy with shift-key modifiers on the numpad. Remap your Naga device to use values other than the numpad values or find another modifier.

I’ve written this assuming you’ve remapped your Naga.

I strongly advise using #show instead of #showtooltip to give you at least a hope of spotting when you’ve failed to move the macro into the action button (try it with both and you should see what happens that differentiates them).

/cast [@arena1,exists,nodead];[@arena2,exists,nodead];[@arena3,exists,nodead];[@focus,help];[@mouseover,help];[]Master’s Call

There is no need at all for that “(Cunning Ability)” suffix. Beast Mastery Hunters do not have an overlapping ability named “Master’s Call” available to them and it clutters up the macro.

Unless there is a requirement I can’t suss out of what you’ve written there is no need to code for presence or absence in a raid.

If you DO need to code for presence or absence in a raid, don’t use that raid6 nonsense. There’s a conditional specifically for that - [group:raid] - the negative is [nogroup:raid]. Using this conditional lets you convert a 2-member group to a raid to test your macros, for one thing.

If you want to try again on a priority list, a useful priority list that doesn’t require telepathy to decipher, I’ll check back later and revise as needed.
