Keybinding shift+num pad help

That’s gotta be where it’s choking. @arena1 is an enemy not an ally.

/cast [@arena1,exists]; [mod:shift,@focus,help] [mod,ctrl,@mouseover,help] [] Master’s Call(Cunning Ability)
/cast [mod:shift,@party2,help] [mod:ctrl,@party3,help] [] Master’s Call(Cunning Ability)

alright let me see if I can tell you what i’m trying to do. hopefully the format that I do it in will help.

  1. If arena1 exists execute the following:

    -pressing button will cast master’s call on party1
    -pressing [mod:shift] button will cast master’s call on party2
    -pressing [mod: ctrl] button will cast master’s call on party3

  2. If arena1 doesn’t exist:

    pressing button will cast master’s call on @Torioz
    pressing [mod:shift] button will cast master’s call on focus
    pressing [mod:ctrl] button will cast master’s call on mouseover

From what I see Elvenbane knows what I am trying to do I think. He has the conditional in the beginning ‘if arena1 exists’. But the next line is what I want to execute if arena1 doesn’t exist. But yeah his macro isn’t working. I added my name to it so it will cast on me outside of arenas when I press the button, no button modifiers.

#showtooltip Master’s Call(Cunning Ability)
/cast [@arena1,exists]; [mod:shift,@focus,help] [mod,ctrl,@mouseover,help] [@Torioz] Master’s Call(Cunning Ability)
/cast [mod:shift,@party2,help] [mod:ctrl,@party3,help] [] Master’s Call(Cunning Ability)

I had a few questions as well. In arenas will you always be party1 or is it randomized every time? First time seeing the command #show. What is the difference between #show and #showtooltip.

On it. I see the error now as well.

I don’t do arena and the few times I have I didn’t have macros for it.

I had thought Arena1/2/3 were ALLIES, not ENEMIES.

Give me a few minutes to work on this and I’ll get back to you.

You simply cannot, in a single macro command, base decisions on two units at once in a single conditional and that’s really what you need. “If I’m in an arena (if arena1 exists) then cast at <some other unit>”. This is not possible within the current conditional rules.

You can, however, make a decision in one macro and a second decision in a second macro.

Place this where you’ll actually want to click on the ability. Your choice of buttons, no restrictions.

#show Master's Call
/click [arena1,exists]ButtonName1;ButtonName2

What’s happening here is that you’re making the first decision, “Am I in an arena?”, and then with a virtual click on the second button, the second decision is coded in THAT macro (well, those macros).

Place this on “ButtonName1” (You’ll have to determine what that is and it cannot be one of the swapping bars - it does NOT, however, have to be on a visible bar otherwise).

/cast [@party2,mod:ctrl][@party3,mod][@party1]Master's Call

Place this on “ButtonName2” (You’ll have to determine what that is and it cannot be one of the swapping bars - it does NOT, however, have to be on a visible bar otherwise).

/cast [@mouseover,mod:ctrl,help][@focus,mod,help][@player]Master's Call

And you STILL don’t need anything other than Master’s Call as the name of the ability. That extra is just a big chunk of characters that you don’t need to waste.

There is no explicit mod:shift at all here.

CTRL points to party2 or mouseover, ANY OTHER MOD points to party3 or focus. That way if you need to use shift, and shift works with the key value you’ve got this placed on, shift will work. But alt will work as well.

It’s not. It’s saying if arena1 exists don’t execute that line. [@arena1,exists] this is where you would do something but it's empty so...; else

Oh FFS. I hasn’t been working because I’ve been working off the code Torioz originally posted which wasn’t in code tags so the ' in Master's Call got changed to a smart quote.

/cast [@arena1,exists]; [mod:shift,@focus,help] [mod:ctrl,@mouseover,help] [@player] Master's Call(Cunning Ability)
/cast [mod:shift,@party2,help] [mod:ctrl,@party3,help] [@party1,help] Master's Call(Cunning Ability)

Tweaked it slightly to match the most recent criteria.

Tested it on my hunter, even bothered with a skirmish.

Elvie, I didn’t say it was. I said you can’t do that. Not YOU you, but in general, you can’t make a decision for the same set of conditionals with two different units involved (although that would be nice).

And you STILL don’t need (Cunning Ability) in there.

hey I didn’t really understand what that guy was saying in the previous post but your macro is working outside of arenas so that’s definitely a step further. I tried them in arenas and I got various results. One arena i que’d no matter what button modifier I pressed it would always cast on me. Another arena I know for sure the shift and ctrl button it would cast on one person in a 2’s. When that guy died I tried pressing all 3 modifiers and none would cast on me. Maybe it would help if I understand the targeting in arenas. Am I, the player, party1, party2, or party3? Or do they even assign that in a group? If I am in a 2’s is the other player on my team party2? Does my problem have something to do with the “help” command in the macro? I don’t know what that does.

Also I had another macro problem lol.

#showtooltip aspect of the wild
/cast aspect of the wild
/cast blood fury
/cast Dire Beast: Basilisk(PvP Talent)

I’m added the dire beast to this macro but it is casting everything but dire beast. Even when I have something targeted. Any solutions?

Both Aspect of the Wild and Dire Beast: Basilisk are on the global cool down.

You can’t stack them like that.

You’ll need two separate keypresses and you’ll need to wait out the GCD between them.

In a non-raid party, you are not generally accessible as “party” anything.
The salient point here is this:

    The Nth party member excluding the player (1,2,3 or 4).

In a raid, you are.

help means “This unit can be helped”

harm means “This unit can be harmed”

I’m sorry you didn’t understand what I wrote earlier.

That solution makes use of macro chaining. I use it extensively with my own toons.

/click means “send a virtual click to the button frame named next”

You can insert conditionals in /click statements, which means that you can tier decision-making in very complex ways.

So, if you want to have one set of actions that occur when you’re in arenas and another everywhere else, you can branch on [@arena1,exists] and then write (and execute) a macro that will only run when you’re in arenas and another one for when you’re not.

The first macro I listed is the “executable” macro. It’s the one you’re gonna be pressing at run time.

The second and third are the branched routines. One for when you’re in an arena and one for when you’re not.

You’re @player as Ehiz mentioned @party1-4 are for the people in your group who are not you.

If you want it to cast on you, party1, or party2 while in an arena use this:

/cast [@arena1,exists]; [mod:shift,@focus,help] [mod:ctrl,@mouseover,help] [@player] Master's Call(Cunning Ability)
/cast [mod:shift,@party1,help] [mod:ctrl,@party2,help] [@player] Master's Call(Cunning Ability)

Keep in mind that if @arena1 doesn’t exist (not sure if someone releasing/leaving removes the unit) it’ll fallback to non-arena conditions.

This version has more redundancy

/cast [@arena1,exists][@arena2,exists][@arena3,exists]; [mod:shift,@focus,help] [mod:ctrl,@mouseover,help] [@player] Command Pet
/cast [mod:shift,@party1,help] [mod:ctrl,@party2,help] [@player] Command Pet