Kevin Martens and Frank Kowalkowski Interview

Trivial whimsy. People like surprise happy outcomes like “oh my goodness, we had no idea he would be so popular! How quaint!”

Nothing wrong with it. I just don’t buy that they didn’t see it coming.

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Indulge in baseless conspiracies all you wish, I suppose.

Dude, my lack of belief is not some personal insult to you. Calm down.

I’m not upset. I can’t address how you feel. All I can do is shrug and move on.

Okay, then do so. This was a pointless exchange.

You guys have been made the noble protagonists while we have been reduced to being the villains for your story.

You really can’t do things like that and be the “good guys”.


To be fair, they don’t all want to be good guys. Some of them want to escalate 1-for-1.

Then, of course, there’s the ones that want both, but those seem to be a minority. I suppose it’s academic, since what the players actually want is utterly irrelevant to the direction of the story.


Much like you expressing your disbelief in Blizzard’s claim in the first place? You felt like it doesn’t really track that it worked like that. Irenaus felt like your disbelief didn’t track. His expression has as much point and validity as your first post.

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Anyone skeptical of something a blizz spokesperson says has pretty stable footing, atm.
An environment of trust, they have not created.


I think people are forgetting just how LONG ago the BFA release cinematic came out and people started buzzing about Zappyboi. The cinematics take quite a bit of time to do, yes. And quite a bit of time had and has gone by, too.

I don’t mind skepticism. But we should also stay grounded. Given how innocuous the comment was, calling bull on it doesn’t seem very grounded in fact.

The pointless exchange was “shrugging and moving on,” not the debate itself.

Very little being debated on these forums is staunchly grounded in fact, given that most of it is a lot of wild mass guessing and theorizing based on Blizzard’s perceived mindset. You have your opinions, I have mine.

All you can do is shrug and move on.

Well it was more a response to you telling me to calm down. That I used the term ‘baseless conspiracy’ to see how factless your suspicion was.

Well I can still certainly appeal to facts (or inquire in relation to them). I shrug when someone doesn’t seem to care about them.

And that’s the big thing. It does come down to the writers and what they find interesting. Thats the problem with writing a story from very narrow and specific view points.

It barely worked in WC3 and then they only had to focus on 3 characters. In WoW they now have over a dozen as well as having those characters be the total repersenative of their entire race.

That makes trying to make stories interesting as best hard and at worst, laughably impossible. So instead they just write the easy stories; more orcs, more humans, more undead.

You presented as much facts as I did - none. The inquiry was about how much validity a Blizzard rep’s statement has, and all one can do is theorize on how true it was. There were no facts here between either of us.

Again, there were no facts between the two of us, and there was never any implication that there needed to be. My opinion on how true something is - based on numerous lies that have been told in the past by Blizzard - is not something to be debated.

Now shrug and move on.

There were a lot posts before BfA from Alliance players insisting the Alliance we good guys and the Horde was evil. One can be forgiven in thinking that presresting the main Alliance view. (I I have to say, if the Alliance was made evil like the Horde was, I think there would have been a hue and cry like with the “High Elves”)

Now admittedly Blizzard didn’t listen at all to what Horde players want, so maybe they wouldn’t have list to other Alliance views. But those who didn’t want to go this way could have been more vocal.

Homeboy, you are typing a lot for someone who’s shrugged and moved on.

Just debating how invested I feel when you quoted me back into the conversation.

Okay, good. We’re done then.

Heh. I distinctly remember starting to get a disquieting feeling of “Wow, everything feels kinda sh!tty…” while doing leveling quests, but I kind of lost that in the new expansion excitement. I was even willing to be cautiously optimistic about the War Campaign’s ending, but that optimism rested entirely on the Tide Scepter. When it was unceremoniously removed at the start of 8.1, I completely soured on the Horde war campaign. Now to hear that we need to be punished for Teldrassil after being punished by a poor questing experience and punished with a poor War Campaign and all this is apparently STILL not enough for some…

Funnily enough, I was only mildly discontented with the Horde questing experience until I started hearing about what the Alliance had got, and then it rankled me considerably more.

@Saiphas : I’m trying to apply your favored school of thought - that being, what were the writers trying to communicate versus what did we interpret it as? I am not sure on my facts here, but I feel fairly certain that the Questing and Story departments are not the same. Certainly the writers know what happens over the course of the questing experience, but is it possible they do not realize that the Horde’s questing experience dumped all over them in addition to this further punishment they seem set on delivering? I feel like it might be possible they don’t view the Horde questing and War Campaign lines as negative, whereas many players seem to interpret things that way.