Kevin Martens and Frank Kowalkowski Interview

Llane dying
Terenas dying
Daelin Proudmoore dying
Trollbane dying (Yes, he came back but became neutral)
Liam dying
Staghelm dying
Magni dying (came back as neutral)
Varian dying

They said it was a possible future, and I’m guessing it’s because of how poorly it’s been received.

Only real wow leader there is Varian and his arch was over and went out with a bang. Further more there was a replacement waiting. While his red counter part Garosh had such a bad trip, mind you they were both introduced together and had similar personalities in wow.

Chances are mechatorq is going to come back stronger then ever. Like Magni, turlyon, alleria nothing bad happens to the allaince leaders.

Mean while 2 of horde races don’t have racial leaders. Trolls haven’t had one since mop, orcs were given 1 via tweet only for him to be in the alliance few moths latter.

I know netrual characters aren’t the best I would welcome some horde characters. At least they don’t get hit with villain bat, are OP and not quest under them. As horde pc I’m sick of following larger then life allaince leaders like magni, kadghar(leader of kiron tor), tyrulion and alleria… etc who ever get after this expansion.

Mean while horde characters are no wear to be found or end up dead as raid bosses, aka king Rash…

Ya, really am missing the complaint here, alliance still have a lot more characters, more cities and get development that is wiped during horde city raid at the end of a faction war.


I think it was more to do with the fact that it basically stonewalled any attempt at a narrative.

Because Old Man Anduin and Older Man Velen being alive to fight the invasion of Shadow means they both couldn’t die during Legion, which means we HAD to win. Which is a narrative black hole.

We already know the players have plot armor. Is it that bad for characters to have it? Does anyone expect Anduin to die considering the investment and writer bias funneled into him?

Sylvanas had/has several 1ups and nobody bats an eye

Anduin gets confirmed to live until hes 70 and everybody loses their minds


I mean, come on, did anyone actually thought the legion was gonna win?


Considering how much investment Blizz put on Vol’jin only to have him die in his first activity as Warchief, yes. It is very possible that out of left field, Anduin could die. The fact that he and Velen didn’t in Son of the Wolf took away any narrative threat the Legion had on Azeroth. Or if one wanted to be particularly whiny about it, it removed the threat of the Legion from the Alliance, as at least two of their leaders were confirmed to make it.

But as I stated before, time travel has been known to be screwy and there was never any proof that SotW was part of our timeline. So I’m glad they decided to run with that.

I don’t buy this for a second.

Why not? The only change is his inclusion in the new questline.

You’re telling me they added in this young, charismatic, bright-eyed character into not one, but TWO cinematics where he plays a pretty central part…

And nobody thought that people would take a big liking to him?

Do you understand the difference between the idea of ‘intending a character to be popular’ and ‘more popular than we expected’?

Tbf, even with as much crying foul over Teldrassil that I do, if it were up to me, the Gnomes would have had their home back years ago. They’re one of my least favorite races, just because a race so overtly focused on technology is never going to appeal to me, so long as a race overtly focused on Nature is on the table. Otherwise, they’re a bit charming, and I love Kelsey. But I would never begrudge them a chance to retake their home, nor think it somehow excludes Night Elves from also retaking theirs.

It’s all down to the writers, and their obsession with making every Alliance race homeless, except the Humans. (Watch your back, Dwarves and Draenei.)

Why -exactly- didnt the gnomes get their city back? The trolls got their isles, didnt they?

My memory may be faulty on this, but my recollection is that they attempted to solve their radiation problem with… more radiation.

One is a dungeon.

Because Gnomeregan is both huge and a dungeon.


For meta reasons, it contains a dungeon, as others have said. In-lore, the Gnomes reclaimed the surfaces levels, before Thermaplugg outsmarted them (who would also go on to outsmart Alliance adventurers as well, since he’s still alive).

Meanwhile, without getting too deep into how well Cata went for Alliance players, yes, the Darkspear did get to end Zalazane, and reclaim the Echo Isles.

Well, it works if we are the villains in our story and the Alliance are protagonists. Just the like the Legion, we come in, do something evil, but the noble heroes win in the end.

Shame that we kept saying we didn’t want be made evil and Blizzard apparently didn’t, or couldn’t, understand. Or that having a “win” were we get turned evil isn’t actually any fun.


Sure I do. And I’m saying that their lack of foresight seems feigned, especially given that the roster of likable Horde characters has been on the decline for a long while.

And what reason does he have for lying in this interview?