Ketchup on Hotdogs?

Or mustard? Condiments straight on bun or only on hotdog itself?

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Both on the bun (well, usually slice of bread since I never remember to buy buns).


Ketchup, bun, dog. NOT in that order! :wink:

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Just get rid of the hotdog and eat the ketchup.


Mustard, onions, maybe chili or sauerkraut.

Ketchup, bleh

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wait, where is the hotdog chili? how do you expect me to eat my hotdog without hotdog chili?

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Yeeeeeesss! and Pineapple on pizza!!!

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We are of the same mind, but sweet pepper as well.

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With resignation and mild disappointment.


I could do that as well

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Personally I think the lack of chili is worth throwing a tantrum over. I’ve thrown myself on the floor and kicked and screamed for less.

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Couldn’t eat anything without ketchup as a kid, now it overpowers and homogenizes everything it comes into contact with. No can do

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Both. Burn my dog a little as well for better flavor.

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Yes, but that’s because you’re constantly starved for attention.


Regular simple BEEF Hot Dog, Ketchup and Mustard. 100%
Regular simple Polish Sausage Hot Dog, Mustard and Mayo. 100%

But Hot Dogs can be done depending on mood my dude. Too many options. Chili and cheese, sauerkraut, relish, BBQ sauce, pastrami, I mean… the possibilities are endless. All are fantastic.

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I get a fair bit of it, to be sure, but it doesn’t whet my appetite.

A chili dog might do it.

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I prefer mayonnaise.

/s don’t hate me


Interesting, do you put the milk in first when making cereal?

This reminds me of the hotdogs we got on the range. Cooked on a little hot plate. I’d put ketchup, mustard, and mayo on them. So good. Flimsy, smushed buns. They were so good.

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Ketchup on hot dogs is only something monsters would do.

Mustard is for hot dogs.

Ketchup is for fries.