Makes sense.
I enjoyed Kenobi for the most part, plot holes and all.
Republicans apparently are attempting to bring in legislation to retroactively remove Copyright that has been around too long(past 28 Years) just to stick it to Disney.
If it succeeds then we might get new shows involving LotR.
Of course the International Court may declare it illegal due to the Berne Convention and Trade Agreement which would result in Republicans demanding the US leave the Berne Convention and Trade Agreement(which the US Supreme Court says the US can do) and arrest the International Court leadership for Treason(despite it being in the Netherlands).
Incidentally I can picture the International Court and the UN Staff being dragged to a US Prison while having a breakdown over not having any actual power in the situation(if Russia & China doesn’t take care of them first).
What has to do with Kenobi Series?
Star Wars is dead. It died back in 1997 when Lucas tampered with perfection. Like I said in another thread:
I’ll never understand why they just couldn’t have handed it off from the old characters to the new, without destroying it all. Really wrecking Luke Skywalker, not having any sort of a story arc for the three movies, creators taking to social media to blast fans, etc.
I always figured the Star Wars IP was invincible, but they proved that to be false for sure. Sure the prequels were far from good, but they didn’t trash things like this last trilogy did.
Since that trilogy, it’s been a mixed bag, and I am not sure how they get fans really engaged with it again.
I disagree. They turned the Force into a bacteria and Leia was supposed to know her mother but they had her die in child birth instead.
That was definitely idiocy. But think about the excitement when the Disney purchase was announced, when we got that first trailer showing Han and Chewie. The anticipation was off the charts. And the Force Awakens, while far from perfect, was a good starting point for a new era of the franchise, with a cliffhanger ending to boot. And then it all really went to hell. We’ll never see that level of excitement for Star Wars again, and that sucks.
I was pretty excited too and yes I kind of enjoyed the Force Awakens. And yes, you’re right and that does indeed suck.
I like to use my kids as a guide for these things. If kids like what they see, you’re going to have a sustainable fan base. They liked the Force Awakens, my youngest had a Kylo Ren mask and lightsaber, my oldest loved wondering what Luke Skywalker was going to do moving forward. On the way out, when I asked them what they thought, they said they loved it. Then the Last Jedi came, and on the way out the reply I got was “well dad, at least we have Black Panther to look forward to.” Downhill from there, although we enjoyed Mandalorian, and some of Boba Fett. Obi Wan had it’s moments, but it’s all up and down now.
They deviated too much from Lucases work and style.
He may not have been the greatest story teller but at least with the prequals he put enough effort into the world building that he has arguably created one of the biggest impacts on pop culture through the series like Clone Wars and even Mandalorian, since Mandalorian wouldn’t have existed without the CIS running amok in the galaxy.
Disney has done none of the world building. They just slapped the Star Wars logo on their mediocre story without thinking about any it. Everyone is going to remember the sequel trilogy as a blemish on the Star Wars franchise until it’s officially decanonized.