Kelfin for the Horde! Please?

If only they’d started by adding in races that have already been a part of the Horde and Alliance from the beginning.


This is Vashj’ir. Beautiful isn’t it? A thought came to mind. What if the gilgoblin starting zone started in Nazjatar once it was underwater again basically and the starting zone is basically them making their leave from that area and onto a new home.


Well to the OP and everyone here I fully support this Idea 100% this is so well thought out and laid out in details and customization.


This is not even technically the official Gilgoblin megathread. The OP of the old one is no longer active and lost trust level 3 so I am going to be making a new one, but I am trying to get some things ready before I start that thread. I knew for a while there was a lot of support for this race to be playable, but just not a lot of people being vocal about it.


I like that idea. A short moving on quest. Little different than other AR’s but I like it a lot.

Aww shucks thanks.

Honestly though the praise should go to others who came before me. I’m a relatively new Gilgoblin/Kelfin fan, but tons of folk have such zeal and interest in them, I think it’s important to keep the threads going.

Bottom line, the more I read the older threads the more I wanted Gilgoblins and now I’m… Hooked.

Get it? Hooked?

Oi wish it wasn’t so complicated. I’d have made three AR threads by now. Lol.


And he still wants to edit his thread too. I saw him talk about it in the Sanalyn discord. I guess someone else will have to step up to the plate though. I can make notable mention of him later.

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nice reference

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Hey sometimes we gotta help our friends to help ourselves.

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You would think after quotes like these, they would definitely playable for the horde. Disappointing.


The questing experience with them really does make them seem perfectly fit for the Horde :pleading_face:


Got poen to level 20. Gotta love how refreshing their attitudes are. I am trying to get the crab mount. Most stuff is done for it, but periodic destruction is going to take me quite sometime since its a weekly thing.


Oh man.

Now I feel bad saying how great they are for war!

Kelfin got great personality too.

I hope blizz sees them as an AR and not just customization so we don’t lose that uniqueness they got.


The kelfin pretty much check all the categories for what it means to be allied race. In a way that goes beyond races like the tolvir and mogul even.


Yes and pls add dark rangers as a customization for blood elves too


Funny you should mention. There is also dark rangers hanging around in Durotar at 8.3


I don’t really see anything with either of those races that suggests they’d join anyone. Neat races though.

Yes please!


I am not sure what their purpose is, but I figure they re likely set there as Sylvanas loyalists. However. Given that sylvanas is no longer apart of the horde, it is hard to say what their purpose there is.


One of the rangers there tells you someplace that they’re no longer with her. That she betrayed them too and that they stand with the Horde.

EDIT: Might be over near the embassy.

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Well. You have to wonder if their presence there is a hint at something.


Come to think of it, are there any currently NPC BfA races hanging around any of the Alliance cities? I don’t see Ankoan or really any other NPC race we’ve dealt with in BfA hanging out near Stormwind or any Alliance city that I am aware of. Seems like so far, it has just been NPC Horde races hanging out near Orgrimmar for unspecified reasons.

Oh well, the more the merrier. Hopefully it means the Unshackled will join the Horde and maybe the Dark Rangers will be customization options for Blood Elves. Hopefully they’ll also do something to help during Shadowlands as opposed to just sitting there throughout the entirety of the expansion doing nothing.