Kelfin for the Horde! Please?

They’ve been vague about whether they mean the whole of SLs or just not to expect it up front. We’ll see.

In either case no reason not to ask for what you wanna see right?

I’m asking for Kelfin (though I admit part of it for me is I don’t think if they add them as customization it’ll be any good).

Lorewise Stonemaul ogres should’ve been one of the first Horde races along with races like orcs and Darkspear, not just before pandas. They were already in the Horde by the time Classic took place. We also should’ve gotten Revantusk forest trolls in BC or at a later patch in Classic since they joined midway through Classic’s story. A lot of races we should’ve gotten in Classic/BC that I’m still waiting for.

But I do agree. It’s more than well past time ogres become playable.

We would indeed love to see anyone who supports ogres, especially avidly.


Chill? I’m not saying we can’t have kelfin/gillblins. Just not before what frankly should have been a core race for the Horde

Chill is because you came into a thread about Kelfin to demand Ogres. :stuck_out_tongue:

We good.

I mean… They should have been a core race for sure.


They should’ve been the Horde option instead of vulpera. Introduced in the same patch as Mechagnomes and with more lore precedence to back them (if you count the Gilgoblins from Cata), and with stronger ties to the Horde as a group. It’s explicitly the Horde helping the Kelfin in Nazjatar, not a lone adventurer sent by the Zandalari as is the case with vulpera.

Not to mention the Kelfin do everything Vulpera do, but are also amphibious. Moving from place to place to avoid being caught by a superior force? Yep. Freeing the enslaved from snake-people? Check. Scavenging and making use of their environment through ingenuity? Definitely.

If you stripped away the visuals-- say, made the vulpera into desert goblins or something-- I guarantee people would’ve gone for kelfin instead. Magnanimous aqua-goblins are preferable to scrounging desert foxes, but alas. People want to be adorable and fuzzy, so that won out.


I don’t think that kelfin are a threat to ogres being playable at any point. Especially since its also possible they may just be customization.

Keep in mind that the UI is getting changed in the shadowlands so there is no need to worry about slots or a sort of expected pattern of allied races. They could add a dozen of new allied races at some point. Blizzard also as I understand tried to add ogres at 3 different points in wow. Classic, Cata and Warlods of Draenor. So I think it is more a matter of when it works for them. I am definitely not denying though that they should be a race at some point.

I don’t know if we are going to see anymore Allied races.

Maybe not in the Shadowlands, but possibly after. If they do become a customization, I just hope its done well. Which is why I want to try to be vocal about them. Make it known that they are a race many people would love.

They should’ve been the Horde option instead of vulpera. Introduced in the same patch as Mechagnomes and with more lore precedence to back them (if you count the Gilgoblins from Cata), and with stronger ties to the Horde as a group. It’s explicitly the Horde helping the Kelfin in Nazjatar, not a lone adventurer sent by the Zandalari as is the case with vulpera.

I agree and I am understandably bias in this regard. While I am happy for those who wanted Vulpera who weren’t nasty to gilgoblin fans that is, I definitely would have preferred properly done gilgoblins. Not for fairness sake, but because I genuinely love them. I also agree they would have made more sense from a lore perspective and the whole argument that they don’t fit on land is invalid because most of Azeroth is water with some form of water in nearly every zone. They can survive out of water. Plus there is armor protection.

Not to mention the Kelfin do everything Vulpera do, but are also amphibious. Moving from place to place to avoid being caught by a superior force? Yep. Freeing the enslaved from snake-people? Check. Scavenging and making use of their environment through ingenuity? Definitely.

I think they have more to offer to the Horde that horde doesn’t already have. Its interesting because Nazjatar parallels the goblin starting zone in many ways. Plus, their lore is much more fleshed out and we were saying them from a greater enemy than the sethrak. Furthermore, them joining would also mean sea giants and makrura joining from a lore perspective at least. That seems like a very valuable asset to the horde.

If you stripped away the visuals-- say, made the vulpera into desert goblins or something-- I guarantee people would’ve gone for kelfin instead. Magnanimous aqua-goblins are preferable to scrounging desert foxes, but alas. People want to be adorable and fuzzy, so that won out.
I’ll say it again. As much as I need to. If gilgoblins had a similar level of effort put into them like this from the get go, they easily could have been one of the most popular and commonly requested allied races from the beginning. I see so much potential in them. Most people just look at their Cata base models and think that they would be a terrible AR. Those with insight though, can see past that.

That said. I do think that Vulpera is a great allied race for the horde. The real problem is the way blizzard had the slot system setup till now and the pattern of allied races. All allied races were offshoots until vulpera and having two races using the goblin rig at a time were we were due for a goblin AR, caused lots of animosity. Just keep being vocal to help increase the chances of them being an AR or at least do their customization well.


Everyone is sooo focused on these slot issues. Not even really a thing anymore. Nor did Blizzard ever actually say there were only so many slots.


I got the goblin dance animation working with the sea dragon. I have it set to slow mode here to see it better. In order to do this extra part, I had to animate the tail, eyes, mouth, loincloth, fins so they don’t clip so much and ears. I am sure upon close inspection people can find all kinds of flaws, but this is pretty darn good for being done by myself and my current level of knowledge. Also keep in mind.

This is what it looked like before all of these changes. I turned that into the one you see above.


Very nice!

Shows how good all is this could be if blizzard let’s us have Kelfin!

I’ll probably get around to making a machinema soon or later, but I need a new computer now.

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Here’s hoping you get one soon.

I kinda hope that if the Kelfin join up Orgrimmar gets a proper dock. Built out of that wall north of the current one alongside Orgrimmar. Big ole Sea Giants hauling gear from the transport boats, Gilgoblins working around the dock and fishing.

Could be cool.


They would be an excellent addition to the horde and should become playable soon or later.


How many skintones they got anyhow? We see blue light blue red yellowish… White?

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This is gorgeous. It reminds me of Lady Lala from Vashjir, as both her and Lady Lala are Lady Gaga parodies, I love it.


Glad you like it. I put a lot of love into it. The design was inspired from two main sources:

Princess Ruto from Hyrule legends.

Neeko from League of Legends. You can see a lot of inspiration in the design from both.

This is gorgeous. It reminds me of Lady Lala from Vashjir, as both her and Lady Lala are Lady Gaga parodies, I love it.

This may hit hard at home then:



You don’t see me post this one as much. Thats mainly cause its a prototype and I want to make this look more like a unique species rather than just a gilgoblin with naga traits. However given it does look like that now, this is relevant. These models are for the custom class project I did last.


Seeing some starfish/coral jewelry would be awesome. Maybe barnacles, or clams as well. A lot of possibilities with sea related jewelry.

Getting nets as some sort of shawl thing in their heritage or getting them as headdress option(s) would be cool, since night elves and tauren are getting headdresses baked into base customization instead of armor.


I am getting some things prepared for a megathread in the future. Basically it is custom options like these I feel would work amazingly with them. Tentacle hair is also something that can work for gilblins in a similar way to void elves.


This for example would be an amazing custom option to have. Both the tentacle hair and the texture style of the hair. I’ve heard some people say just to wear that mythic naga helm from antorous, but it really isn’t the same. Thats actually the DI dwarf female hair, but I altered it a bit. Trying to see what other cool ideas I can come up with.


I’m really hyped up for tentacle hair.

Love those seashells and such ideas too.


I’ve also made several fin shapes. This is one of them. Now I will say one thing. The fins should look like they are connected organically. Not placed overlapping the model directly like this. however this is still enough to show how it would work. There can be:

  1. Torn
  2. Shark like
  3. Classic gilgoblin(their in game shapes).
  4. Multilayered
  5. Fringed
  6. Elegant

Also take note of the scale texture.

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Totally going shark fin. >.>

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