Says the dwarven flight master…
Anyone else ever feel a little bit threatened by this?
Says the dwarven flight master…
Anyone else ever feel a little bit threatened by this?
I always feel threatened by dwarves. I don’t trust them.
Hey, he does his job but… He’d rather you didn’t use the service. What a professional ~
It’s because they know I get kicky when frightened! Nice try, convincing me not to kick ya all cute like that! Hahaha!
I’m still trying to figure out if I’m supposed to get the voodoo or stay away from it.
… and keep reaching for the stars!
(because 80’s Top 40 Pop Countdowns with Casey Kasem)
ya u wanna get the voo doo ! is nise , goodjob voo doo
Dragon Age has a story on this about dwarves who have lived underground all their lives going outside for the first time have a fear of falling UP into the sky!
“Watch cher’ back…”
I can see that being a thing for people living underground all their lives.
Kind of funny though.
Da voodoo turned our bruddahs and sistas into those stinkin’ elves mon.
"Stay away from da voodoooo!"
Draenais should more than anyone else.
I don’t know why but you’re legitimately one of my fave people here lol.
Yes. Tallbois like that make me nervous…
So basically all non gnome males?
Honestly gnome males make me nervous… it’s their faces… and their brains. They’re always up to something. At least with goblins I know what they’re thinking “How can I blow things up and make a profit off of it”
I’ve the finest wires in the land. Wash yer back!
Tauren can be a bit foreboding.
IIIIII’ve been expeeeecting you…
I’m going to start saying this whenever someone comes to talk to me.