"keep yer feet on the ground"

High Mountain Tauren could be really annoying before Pathfinder part 2: “it’s a good day to fly”. :no_mouth:

the weak feel threatened by everything.

the strong make the threats.

Please doing business with you!

If you’re only keeping your feet on the ground, you aren’t doing it right.

To do it properly, you have to keep yer feet on the GrrdrdrrdddrrrrRRrrRRRRRrrrAWWWWNNNNDDDD!


Good. We don’t want you stinky elves in our city!

“Come get da voodoo!”

Trolls give me mixed signals.

No one wants to work anymore!

Thought that line was stolen from Casey Kasem. “Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.”

These are contradictory statements.

Just be ready to hit the goblin glider if he yells “do a barrel roll!”

Been saying this for years.