Keep the 120 camera FOV

The fact that Blizz is hotfixing things within days after WoWHead posts an article about it, but is perpetually dragging their feet on bugs like Hunter Autoshooting when tab targeting is huge insult to their customers.

They claim they added the slider for accessibility, yet don’t actually offer any increased accessibility… like wtf Devs? Every single expansion cycle Ion repeatedly claims they’re listening to player feedback, that we the players are being heard, yet almost every single action the Devs take is another spit in our faces.


I didn’t even know about this. I just tried it and it’s pretty cool, but I’m not going to use it because I don’t want to get used to it and I’m pretty sure they aren’t going to change their minds on this.

I just read that article and I don’t think the advantage it gives is the primary reason they are removing it. Like you say, that reasoning can be applied to addons and WA’s, arguably even more so than a 120 fov. I think the key line in that article is this one:

"But [120 camera FOV] is beyond the one around which the game was designed at its core. The development team builds the world, its art, its combat mechanics, and other interactions, around the base UI experience and scale."

I don’t like it, but this makes a lot more sense to me as the reason they are hot-fixing it. Developers care a lot about how the game appears on your screen and things like that. It would be like if we discovered a way to turn off all the background textures and details so that it was a lot easier to see enemy abilities and dodge things…Blizzard would hate that and there would be no chance they would allow it to remain. I know it’s not the same but I believe it’s the same kind of reasons for not budging despite the majority of people either not caring or really wanting it to remain.


Found my favorite orange poster.


Speaking of broomsticks…

cries over not having the halloween broom mount more than two weeks a year


what kind of argument is this?

i dont know what 120 FOV is but I oppose it based on this argument alone.

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So they say the 120 FOV is beyond what the game was built around then how come some mobs are so large they can’t be fully seen? I mean come on the art team works countless hours to develop nice things but then usually when fighting mobs all you see is their feet… I mean that’s where we should be looking anyway but still I would like to be able to see the whole mob I am fighting. Heck 99.9% of the time I can’t even see the mobs Nameplate because all I can see is the lowest 1/4 of its body.


You can type /console camerafov 120 to make the camera zoom out a little more but they are hotfixing it so you can only have it to 90, the default max zoom.

Unfortunately I agree, but when I’m already on the fence about buying dragonflight and continuing with the game it’s just another vote in the no column.


I agree, I get paid tomorrow and was going to pre-order I was on the fence too but now I am not pre-ordering I will wait to see what else they mess up now.


fun detected, fun nerfed.


Blizzard, particularly those in the upper echelons are against the game. They are doing everything in their power to destroy it. It can no longer be considered an accident, or even negligence. As time goes on it becomes more and more apparent that is it purposeful malice. The up and ups get paid no matter what and have very little risk of getting fired. So burning wow doesn’t mean anything to them.


I’m a standard FOV user but this argument doesn’t track. Myself and everyone not using it have the option to turn it on with in-game settings. It’s not an unfair advantage if I am willingly not taking said advantage. Let people that want it keep it. It doesn’t harm anyone.


Just tried this to see for myself how bad of a change this will be.

Yup, there is absolutely no justifiable reason for nerfing this QoL.


don’t be so quick to dismiss this as a gesture of “fun detected”. Blizzard does not make decisions for no reason. There’s a valid reason for them to be doing this and my guess is a mix of technical and gameplay reasons why they scaled it back.

I never said it was a gesture of “fun detected” I also do not agree with the “fun detected” excuse/reasoning people throw at blizzard, it just makes little sense from a technical or gameplay or even a consumer reason to limit FOV in such a way.
I remember feeling cramped when they nerfed the max scroll distance when playing tauren back in WOD/Legion when they removed it, and feeling a breathe of fresh air like the game instantly became playable for hours upon hours again with the 120 max cam. There is no reason to cap it at 90, 90 versus the 120 change is insane and I genuinely do not think I can go back to the cap being 90, or whatever it was, I tried everything between 60-90 and 120 just felt AMAZING in comparison, go try it and let me know what you think of it.


"But [120 camera FOV] is beyond the one around which the game was designed at its core. The development team builds the world, its art, its combat mechanics, and other interactions, around the base UI experience and scale."

I think melee and tank specs should have the option to zoom out a little further, the current camera leaves something to be desired on giant raid bosses.


Wait, so what was the original max distance before they nerfed it the first time? I used to play with the camera all the way out.

And, 120 was suddenly available, but they are hotfixing it?


They have no idea on how to design stuff, look at theater of pain, a terrible dungeon where your camera colides with literally everything.


The 120 degree fov didn’t bother my eyes as much and felt more natural to look at. 90 is too narrow! Let us have a choice! Everyone is different! LEAVE THE 50-120 FOV!


Disappointed, it added so much QOL especially with nameplates and targeting / multidotting, there was so much room for them to breathe. Surely you can at least cap it at 100 instead of 90. It really improved on the crappy targeting systems in this game and how camera angles completely mess up name plates.

90 is so unbelievably restrictive in comparison.