Keep getting rejected from M+ groups

yea im fully geared (piece in every slot) whats the big deal?

Slow ilvl and IO grind. Start with M0, make your way up.

Ok, so you can see that your gear is pretty underwhelming from the current season?

skill is like way more important so i dont see an issue

:rofl: I give this troll thread a 4/7, got a good chuckle out of me with that one.


Your skill can be good, but your gear will Limit your performance in a group environment in the current patch, 410 is end heroic/early mythic of Season 1, i can bet you cannot do more than 100k dps because your gear is limiting you in that bracket.

Dang you had me going. I bit that bait haaaaaaaaaaard. Nice troll post. 10/10 not even mad.

He got us good lol.


Lol a 70 booster gives you 428 ilvl

Had me until here, good trooo bait though you got me… got a lot of us

if you were really good then you’d be invited to keys

If you play with friends it’s like buying a boost for M+. You can skip all the way to +5s while wearing 483 loot, time all the keys, have fun, get IO, it’s seriously low key a boost.

Pugging it is like throwing yourself into a vat full of glass shards.

I’m actually looking forward to Delves, not as a complete replacement for M+, but as something for me to do when my M+ team isn’t online.

takes me 3-5 minutes at very most to find a tank im not sure what youre talking about

make your own group /10 char

Make your own group = pug keys, I don’t condone that advice. I wouldn’t fall for the bait.

I like the advice earlier about joining an M+ Discord. You’re better off going the networking route over the pug route.

Joining a new network is still pugging. Theres bad players in those communities too. You still need to weed out the bad ones and connect and friends list the good ones

Which is/can be how normal PuG groups work too

Networking is for jobs, I don’t want a second job.