Keep getting rejected from M+ groups

Keep getting rejected cause they want S3 keystone hero. Cool, but I didnt play season 3 so how can I get into groups??

Can blizzard do something about this because its ridiculous to have an achievement that I wasnt even around for. Whats next? I need to link heroic lich king kill from 2005 to get into season 5 groups? Stop with the crazy gatekeeping already, blizz should just only allow your highest completed key to be visible, thats it, none of this achievement linking.

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they dont even care about S3 achievements. people only invite overqualified. its part of reason WoW pugging is misserable.


Its not even 2/10 rejected, its 10/10. Everyone wants it. Its unfair to gatekeep like this. Theres a reason league of legends hides names in lobby, blizz needs to cut down on enabling people to be toxic with achievement linking.


Lmao, what do you want them to do? They can’t stop players from demanding achievements irrelevant after the second week of the next season, as dumb as doing that is.


Blizzard needs to implement a way for people to make their own group.

Not sure why they are so slow on this obviously needed feature.


are you sure? did they tell you that? because i haven’t run into that once. nobody cares about prior season score unless it’s week 1-2 and you were 0.1% range previously.

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Its pretty obvious thats the reason because Im really good at the game what else would it be?

(Whispers in your ear)

List and run your own key.


they did do something about it.

they put an NPC in valdrakken that will give you a key to run.

also chances are, you’re getting rejected because you’re a warrior. run your own key.


its not even achievements… its Gear, Addons having your experience+, Being on a meta class. while i agree it is gatekeeping but its also blizzard having horrible M+ balance and people wanting and easy key. So they wait for overqualified. Part of that too is they have to wait on tank anyways why not wait till overqualified dps queus.

Your charecter is ugly, i wouldnt invite you either


I’m not gonna say you’re not good but triple digit io at this point in the season def isn’t the best look.

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thats not a solution unless you are the tank. People dont queue to non tank keys. its just perma inviting dps and watching them leave till 15-20min go by you might get lucky and find underqualified tank.

I call shenanigans.

I list keys all the time on my hunter, usually with one other dps friend. I manage to fill my groups, so can he.


Join a M+ Discord community like Mythic Plus Friends.

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I’ll even link a couple for them


How did the groups you started work out?

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Hard disagree, I’ve started and completed +0 and +2 keys this season as 7 dps specs in addition to my tanks/healers

He’s getting rejected because he’s a solo DPS, class doesn’t matter. Also, Armory is showing 410 ilvl.


If you’re on that character, you’re also 70-100 ilvls below where people expect you to be for keys.

I wouldn’t bring any random that low, because I’m not sure they’d have enough EHP to survive even the unavoidable damage.