Keep getting rejected from M+ groups

410 ilvl means they haven’t played in S2 or S3 and put forth zero effort to use any of the catch up mechanics for gearing. Skill isn’t even a factor when someone wants to run a dungeon practically naked.


I was getting rejected from groups too.

Then I started using my own key. In less than a week, I got KSH. Now I get invited to groups

Not really that hard

This is a fun troll, always a good topic to get lots of bites, enjoy your yum yums

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Was going to link this. OP, join this discord. It’s a great group.


post your own key groups and u wont get declined

youll just never complete making a group because a tank never joins.

If you are doing it on your warrior youre so undergeared. people wont take 410 to a mythic 0 let alone any + key

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These threads always crack me up.

Put in the effort and be rewarded. It seems these people just expect others to fall in line and instantaneously invite them. There are tons of dps applying to keys. You are one of many.

List your own key. People will join. Each one of us solo players without guilds built their IO and gear up. You can do it. You are going to have a rocky start until you build some IO points up. Welcome to earth. Keep at it.

9 times out of 10 it’s probably some guy fresh off the leveling boat expecting to jump the line, skip building their ilvl up, and get instantaneously invited into a plus key then get pissed because they are declined.


Unless you are a tank or healer, it’s hard to find group.
even as a healer, they want you to carry, so i just list my own keys and get there



It give the impression that you don’t actually care about your performance.

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First do the world content to get decent gear… soup, time rift, superbloom etc

OPs main poster get a nice little silence? Why posting on this one?

play tank, you have a better shot getting. there millions of dps trying to fill the same slot. as a tank you have alot less competition

also on that, why would they take a person who has no s3 io agent someone that has ksm or higher in s3

or better yet, use your own key

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lol are you serious? people are actually whispering you back asking for S3? achievements. Sorry, this is hardly believable. I haven’t seen a single group requesting S3 achieves even in their custom group titles.

I do believe you’ve been rejected though. so have I had 503 as a WW monk from 2s. So what? Why would they pick me or you over some 507 faming crests?

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Idk man. I get invites on all of my toons. Sometimes its instant. Other times I sit there for 15 to 20 minutes.
Even fresh toons at 460 get into +2s.

All depends on the time of night and what groups you are applying for.
If you see the lead is a 3k+ last season person. You aren’t getting invited, especially if you either have no score or lower ilvl.
If you see the lead has a low score, your chances are pretty high that they’ll invite you. Especially if the run is fresh and hasn’t been sitting in queue for a hot minute.

I just hope it’s not on that war. Because that WILL get declined all day.

they literally cannot.

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they are rejecting you because of your 410 ilvl. absolutely no one will take that when plenty of dps sign up anyways


I really hope they are queuing on another toon and not that war lol.

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have you seen your gear in your warrior mr? Cause that may be the issue :slight_smile:

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