Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Its entirely possible they kicked you to bring in a friend if they were a 4 man premade.

But you just want to assume its your gs.

Because if you are ungemmed and not underperforming i dont have a reason to even check your gear.

Why not just queue with 5 to begin with? Unless being toxic and kicking deliberately was the point, as some have admitted to.


Why are you even inspecting anyone? You just pretty much destroyed your argument.

If people are underperforming you dont need to inspect them, They are just bad players.

Either way that’s a jerk move.

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Yes, of course, I understand that. But what you can’t seem to grasp is that gives you a skewed perception of reality. You don’t think very clearly or logically or rationally but I’ll try again. I think what is likely common among people who are gearing up is to not waste resources gemming or enchanting gear that is likely to be replaced soon. If you only look at those who under perform you’ll correlate under performance with not gemming or enchanting. But there is actually no correlation. If you only look at those who do very well you also see this false correlation. Most of the good players are also not gemming or enchanting soon to be replaced gear. There is actually no correlation between lack of gemming or enchanting and under performance. It’s just common practice for many players regardless of skill to not gem or enchant soon to be replaced gear.


I agree. But thats how the vote to kick system works. Majority rules, even if it is bad.

I inspect when they are doing abseenly bad in their role.

Dps doing under 2k dps. I will try to figure out why.

Tank dies in 2 seconds on trash. Im looking at him and if he is fine, then the healer.

Healer ooms every pull. Im looking at him, and if he is fine, then i look at the tank.

u can’t even q gamma’s with low gear score…min is 213 ilvl, which is around 4680 min

I’m not wrong. Just because you don’t want to admit it.

…? Lol, lmao. If they had a friend to bring in they would have queued as a 5 man premade. Imagine queueing 4 man premade with RDF, kicking the random and hoping some imaginary 5th guy queues for and gets your exact group.

Where are you pulling these excuses out of?


Eh 213 ilvl is doable at just a little over 4k GS. So right around Naxx 25 level which makes sense based on the gear gammas drop.

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Consider whom you’re addressing. He’s been trolling this forum for years.

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Not if the friend logged in right after they queued…

That’s what I just said. You have no idea how many pugs you run with are gemmed or not.

But you are quite willing to remove people who might want that gear cause they didn’t head out to Thrallmar or Honor Hold for a +2 spirit gem though.

Again, not really the spirit of the thread. The spirit of the thread is getting kicked before the first pull even happens. So you’re just moving the goalpost out somewhere it really shouldn’t be.

As usual.

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Honestly, and I know its not just bene, the players I generally assume bought their GS are from bene. I have been in groups with way too many holy paladins with Valnyr who cannot heal to save their life. Now, I won’t claim to be the best tank I am easily just average, but I am not so terrible to be the consistent issue. Healers with much lower GS have no issue.

Pagle is garbage though, like hottest garbage.

Reason # 462,981 why people were so vehemently against RDF for as long as they were. A comedically easy-to-abuse system paired with the current caricature-eclipsing toxicity of the Classic player base. We tried to warn you. You didn’t want to listen when it could’ve mattered.

But hey, now you don’t have to stand in Dalaran waiting for a group to form right?


legit have had three bad groups out of around 150 ish runs.

I have had more dungeon activity than in the prior system P1-P3 Combined.

RDF is great, these people are making up fringe situations just to complain.

bUt It DiDnT hApPeN tO mE!

That you felt compelled to say this proves otherwise. We all knew from the get go that this community was toxic. WE knew it clear back in 2019 when people were mass-abusing reports against would-be R14 players and PvP “Bracket Breakers” to grief them purely because they could. It was one of the worst kept secrets in any Ranking Discord, right up there with the prevalence of gold buying.

Giving this community even the barest mote of power to influence the experience of others beyond actual gameplay mechanics (which even then people will wipe groups/raids to entertain themselves proving they cannot even be trusted with that) is a mistake and the current issues in Gammas is just another tally in the column proving it.