participation != success

pls dont remove this mode blizzard, ive had so much fun with RBGs in dragonflight :frowning:
met so many people too

I am absolutely loathing Blitz… RBG is one of my favorite modes.

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You have to admit RBG mode is pretty much dead. Tried to get in a group there were like maybe 4 groups advertising and they wanted 2k+ experience with at least CR 1800.

Why on earth are you playing an MMORPG then? There’s hundreds of other games that just let you queue in and immediately hit content without needing to interact or form groups with your fellow players.

My best memories of RBGs was sitting in a group in legion with everyone communicating, slowly building a group looking for a specific cleave. Getting that rot cleave we were all looking for and just watching the other team melt while their healers slowly oomed and punishing the other team. Everyone playing together and getting to know each other. People who knew people from other groups and would use what they knew against them. It had so much more depth to it than any other game.
Blitz is just boring. It feels like sweaty normal bgs.

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Yes, it absolutely will. The only difference is that FotMlords will dominate even harder than they already do. If you do not pick a FotM class it is the equivalent to instalocking sombra in ow1

That isn’t “more inclusive”, whatever that’s supposed to mean.
That’s a worse experience for everyone.

Right now, if you have an off meta class you can have a cleave where you shine and play a very valuable part.
In 8v8, you’re a target dummy.

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And WoW is one of them.

No, there’s still plenty of in game content that cannot be queued for and still requires at minimum signing up to a group for, and at building a relationship with others. Such as raiding, 2v2 and 3v3. (No, LFR is not raiding.)

10v10 RBGs have not crossed this boundary of solo queueing yet, nor should they.

The game is attempting to move in that direction. This is a very, very bad thing. It was the worst part of FFXIV. We should be trying to guide players towards forming groups and using the group finder, rather than try to give them a button to click and hope they get into a group that can clear.

Ideally, it wouldn’t exist at all.

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The game has been moving in an increasingly solo queue direction for years for a reason. It’s what the players want.

The only fault that can really be laid on Blizzard here is that it sometimes takes them too long to respond to community demand.


Speak for yourself, please.

I speak for the majority, lol. This isn’t about opinions…it’s undeniable fact that traditional rated battlegrounds are long gone and no amount of copium will change that.


The few times I tried to get into rated 10s was some of the worst wow i’ve ever experienced. The most toxic people I’ve ever had the misfortune to play with.

Good riddance.




And also

If lfg and lfr were such negative things they would not have been met with praise upon their implementation into the game and they also would not have stayed in the game for as long as they have.

And yes it does a game mode getting a lot of traction especially months after its released most everything gets a lot of traction when its first released when everyone is trying it out but it being able to retain that attention for as long as it has means its a good game mode if it was bad people probably wouldn’t be playing it.

Because i really like the pvp in WoW and no other game has it or is as good at it. I don’t want to talk to other people, i don’t want to get to know them or make friends. I just want to queue up and pvp without thinking about it. Thankfully Blizzard is listening to players like me and adding more solo queue options, soon in the future i am sure every type of gameplay will be solo queueable and the game will be better off for it.


I figured it out…just get rid of RBGS and let people accrue CR in random bgs…its premaid vs premaid anyways haha

I was in a rated battleground the other day.

We won 3 and lost 1. In the loss they were cursing each other out in Discord. I just said “gg, next”. Some people said gg and we moved on to the next 2 wins.

When one of the healers left, everyone immediately started bagging them out on how bad they were…

The toxicity is real. Even im not that bad in Discord :roll_eyes:


There are an increasing # of unhinged individuals on this game.

It does not surprise me that premades in unrated content are made up exclusively of them.

In rated it may be a tad more justified but not really.

When they are not dominating they are having a meltdown but when they are dominating (which its really hard not to when your a stacked premade in coms) its just chill they couldnt care less they are just having fun you know.

Like yeah “i could care less its not rated” but goes through the wasted time of dropping ques and splitting everyone up to run premades cause thats how much he doesn’t care.

But even in rated some of the rages in discord are uncalled for nobody who were truly “friends” would rage that hard at each other over something so meaningless. They are only friends when they are winning.

Got cursed out in Chinese two seasons ago on Discord.

I’ve never done a rated bg on voice, but I did get chewed out in one once in Portuguese.

That’s how you know you’ve really made it, when you’re pissing off people from around the world. :rofl:

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That would be hilarious to me. I would probably make a Rush Hour type joke… or mention a part of China/not China shrug

True friends insult each other but don’t mean it. These “friends” definitely mean it :rofl: