You’re actually insufferable.
DW arms is not a meme it will be better than 2hnd arms by P2 if not already
the name however…
haha. gotta love the kebab
At first I thought this build was a meme but man I was so wrong!
It feels better than 2h arms and you can do some pretty good damage, it’s worth giving this a try and I’ll play with this build when t5 comes out
kebab vs netherspite
I don’t see how anyone looking at logs and rankings would ever compare a class vs the same class outside of its spec and think it has any relevance. Obviously you would compare arms to arms, like what lol.
If the dps dif is to great is relevant. I can say “This is the #1 subte build” but do 500 less dps than an combat rogue.
It seems to not be the case here (fury vs arms), but you need to keep looking to the numbers of others spec.
im #8 overall arms warrior for kara in tbc atm w kebab. lets see how i can push 25 man (others have already).
kebab is here to stay
this comparison falls flat on its face
you take an Arms Warrior for the 4% phsyical dmg buff
DW arms produces more DPS than 2hnd Arms while providing the same debuff. this is like someone figuring out a better dps spec for a rogue that still has Imp Expose Armor.
Its a flat out improvement with no negative detriment to the raid a litteral win-win scenario. This is like Prot Paladin who wear Str pieces for their “mitigation set” vs a far more useful paladin who wears the appropriate spell dmg accessories and pieces to amplify what he is there for and thats AoE trash threat this isnt 2006 do better.
Option 1: Dragonstrike MH, spiteblade OH (mace spec or sword spec?)
Option 2: Spiteblade MH, Vind OH
Option 3: S1 Sword MH, Spiteblade OH
What would the dps difference be between these options? Is there a way to sim this? Also, is it worth getting sword spec for option 1 (even though the sword is only in my offhand).
I am not sure if you have low reading comprehension or don’t understand that I inferred it was arms to arms comparison and that I agree with you already lol. My god my man has literally activated over-defensive stance.
I havnt once responded to you in this thread, what are you even talking about?
I wonder if in the future the off hand blazeguard would be decent, since I already was thinking of making a lionheart champion on my warrior.
take a trip down memory lane.
old tbc warrior pve arms guide
it takes you to his discussion of arms pve in great detail
and shows us some of the talent trees
the old guide is quick and fun read full of information.
but he says “Be warned. This is probably the most intensive dps build out there right now. If you want to be topping the charts you have to be on top of your game constantly and have to focus even on farm content. DW fury is far more forgiving of lag and laziness. That being said when done properly an imp slam build is capable of similar dps as fury and provides Blood Frenzy which adds another couple hundred dps to the raid.”
another great kebab log, undergeared w no feral druid too
Miley is now running DW arms and has gotten higher dps then with his 2H
So, if going Sword Spec, would a fast OH weapon like Latro’s Shifting Sword work better than something slower like Edge of the Cosmos or Spiteblade?
Kebab spec. A spec made for warriors who were required be Arms for the debuff but aren’t willing to give up Glaives.
It would appear this person Jukesbyrd just simply doesn’t understand, I’d just ignore them. The point is it’s all about being the best at whatever spec you’re playing. If the raid needs an arms warrior, then play whatever arms spec does the most DPS. That’s like saying an elemental shaman is worthless because a Warlock does more DPS. It’s the ravings of a madman. Plus they’re posting on a retail toon, so their opinion should be taken with a grain of salt anyway.