This build is nothing new. Why is is suddenly called “Kebab”?
Sounds stupid and I’ll never call it that lol
dw arms > dwarma > shwarma > kebab
evolution of a meme name in the fight club discord. i take no credit for this
Its novel. Its not good. Its just a meme in Fight Club
beg to differ. depending on your personal slam timings and gear, kebab can and will come out ahead for you. slam has a slightly higher ceiling (i’ve trimmed this to about 50 dps in sim land), however kebab is exponentially more friendly to play.
You’re literally the only one saying that including the people in Fight Club who popularized the spec as a meme.
Lol, I mean they were literally meme-ing on you when you linked your video in the discord earlier today.
What’s the benefit to playing this over dw fury, which brings more dps? Just the potential of more personal dps than single arms but still bringing the arms debuff? It just seems if you wanna DW, you’d do better as fury
just an alternate spec to bring the blood frenzy debuff. all is addressed in video / in comments.
they weren’t, but hot take fam. i’ve had nothing but positivity surrounding this video and the logs we’ve been able to pull together through kebab research and development!
Fight Club 2019: Everything but dw fury is unviable, every class other than warrior is bad, etc. toxicity and gatekeeping
Fight Club 2021: lol kebab warrior
translates to “bow to warrior, warrior is best class, warrior take most skill”
They can dream, but doesn’t make it true.
The arms debuff
yeah - this spec surrounds that debuff
Lol, you have the same name in disc, why pretend lol (well actually its Matohxl (Kebab Shill), because… of course) Kebab is obviously a meme. People play it because its “more fun” than slam spec, but it’s always a dps loss. I know you’re a big fan of running contrived sims but as they pointed out, it’s still hundreds worse than DW fury in raw dps and worse than slam in almost any scenario.
Play want you want etc… but let’s not pretend anyone is suggesting it’s a great spec
it really isn’t always a dps loss, i understand you are here shilling on your level 16 alt, however we have plenty of logs proving kebab can outperform slam given the right conditions at this point, movement being a heavy factor, as well as if you mess up and clip an auto or two over the duration of a fight.
Hmmm, do throwing axes benefit from axe spec???
if you’re orc eh
Well the #4 dps in the world on mag/maul/gruul is kebab…
we actually have the highest max dps in all content in phase 1 outside of netherspite where we are #2.
the TBC useless warrior propaganda was really effective I see, people still think its true. At least all the bad warriors re-rolled hunter/lock