Kebab Warrior Breakdown - Dual Wield Arms

And yet you guys share logs of ppl where 24 are making sure the 1 warrior parses then come here and say “you arent the only one in raid”

The irony is hilarious.

The Warrior who I linked got LotP and Windfury and his PARTY got double Heroism. That’s it.

Two Warriors, a Rogue, a Feral, and a Shaman.

This is hardly a stacked crew of synergies. The other Warrior was also Arms, but nearly 300 DPS behind the Kebab. The Druid was Tanking. The Hunters were in a separate group, including two BM Hunters.

What are you smoking?

The Arms debuff makes all those other physical damage dealers do much more damage. You need to bring one of those to a raid to amp up your entire raid. Comparing Arms to Fury is moronic.


why are you the only person referring to ahlaundoh on this thread? lol

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Maybe someone listed it here, but I didn’t see. But what do the standard rotations look like?

it’s in the video / video comments for tldr but essentially rotation looks like this:

prio system

ww > ms > hs @ 50+ rage

execute phase:
ww > execute spam

ww is your highest dpr ability, so you’ll prioritize that over everything. you will not ms in execute phase as the dpr just isn’t there while dual wielding. (dpr = damage per rage spent)

it’s pretty simple and opens up alot more utility than you can do without crippling your dps in slam land (tclap, demo available more since you’re generating more rage)

I’ve also put together a spreadsheet that outlines alot of this in sims, using multiple t5 gearsets. (and my own current gear on tab 2) all sim configs are added via pastebin, and a link to the sim is on top of the spreadsheet if you like getting nerdy with it.

slam has a higher ceiling given perfect play and no movement, however as we progress in gear / enter more difficult content the gap will get closer and closer. i predict kebab w/ glaives to fully overtake slam. we’ll see though


That you have the points to get all the utility stuff and the bigger Rage pool makes this altogether much more appealing anyway.

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i agree. i’m a retail player, always enjoyed some good mythic progression. we generally build that way in progression and then swap to whatever is full on bis damage once stuff is on farm and we’re pushing parses.

hell some tiers it’s only been about prog lol as farm just doesn’t happen much outside of the first few bosses.

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Most warriors will never see double lusts. 95% of the warriors in this game will never get 2 lusts in a fight.

Stop coping.

Most raids will never see double lusts. You can look to the right and see how many Heroism/Bloodlust buffs they got, with some Fury Warriors getting three.

If we go down to the highest DPS Kebab with only a single Bloodlust/Heroism, you move down all of a single rank among Arms to Cimly:

Party was Feral, Kebab, Fury, Shaman, Ret. Again, hardly a stacked crew, nothing out of the ordinary, and a single Bloodlust used.

You’re the only one in here having a fit.


slam warriors were something i remember Nihilum toying around with while farming black temple.
they only brought 1 fury warrior to their brutallus kill

I thought about doing a very similar spec for pvp, moving some talents around but very similar loadout. Wonder how itd do with decent gear

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You aren’t bringing anything relevant to this conversation. Almost every raid wants one arms warrior for the debuff, this is a new way to play arms that seems competitive while still bringing the debuff.


This has to be illegal. I was told that everyone would play the same spec if we had talent trees.


I thought about doing a very similar spec for pvp, moving some talents around but very similar loadout. Wonder how itd do with decent gear

i’ve used it for pvp in bgs, not in arena. it’s pretty fun tbh. alot of pressure.

exactly. it’s just adding variation to tbc the second time around. i don’t know why people are against different flavors, but to each their own i guess lol


Very excited by this build. Questions, when I looked at the build and others in the same vain the focus seems to be on hammer and sword spec. Would axes for orcs be comparable or is the sword or mace spec to good to pass up?

You also took improved thunderclap. Do you use that regularly, or…?

Very excited by this build. Questions, when I looked at the build and others in the same vain the focus seems to be on hammer and sword spec. Would axes for orcs be comparable or is the sword or mace spec to good to pass up?

axes are absolutely viable for this build.

You also took improved thunderclap. Do you use that regularly, or…?

i use it often in heroics, and i assume we’ll need it more in ssc/tk as tank damage starts to ramp.

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Cutting down on Tank damage is never a bad thing and if you have a Druid/Paladin MT, the Arms Warrior is all the more important to have for maintaining these things.

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I think it will scale well in coming tiers. Offhand weapon damage scales very well as you increase expertise among other supporting stats. All of which are easier to obtain in later tiers.

While kebab is sort of meme now I think there’s potential for it to do very well in later tiers.

agree, i think kebab only continues to scale as we move into glaives content :smiley: tonights kara if anyones interested. pulled a few top 10 parses (got #3 netherspite). will be running spite/latro in 25 man thursday as well